日曜日, 3月 09, 2008
If you see weird symbols, please refresh your page!! =D
taLk tO mE~~!!
MoI piCs!
LiTtLe LinKiEs hEre & thEre..
MoRe wiLL bE adDeD!
mOi bRoZ, fReNz & cUzZiNz~!
- vIc [mOi bRo!!]
- YuEn
- rIcK
- wAn huA
- fAnG faNg
- aLoySiUs
- rOsiE
- kEr sIaNg
- ChAnTaL
- zAcH
- cAnDy
- sHerLyN
- wEngLum
- vioLeT
- Stupid
- My parents are the most wonderful parents in the w...
- My professor read this work in class today and I k...
- Last day of Undergraduate = 6/28/2008!!Graduation ...
- Im graduating in August!! Excited....................
- Jay Chou is awesome
- I feel weird
- Dear KiskaHow are you doing? I've been pretty stre...
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gIvE mE hUgS!! =D
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孙燕姿 - 我不难过
wOLfIe!! pLeAse pLaY wIth hIm!! =D
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