My parents are the most wonderful parents in the world. They may not be rich or famous, but they are the best. They are always there for me, supporting me in every decision I make. I don't know what I will do without them.
Sometimes I feel that I wanna just move to LA and live with them again because the "family" feeling is really nice. However, when I think of that, I think that I will miss out the many chances of being independent. I know I've been pretty independent for a while (in most of the stuff except money), but I just wanna be able to "make it" by myself.
I'm graduating this weekend, and I haven't found a job yet. It is pretty worrisome. I told my mom that and she told me that if I need money, just get it from them. She gave me some advice but said that I should just think about things carefully and do what I really want to do. I feel bad for taking money from my parents. I just feel that I'm almost out of college, and once I'm out, I should be able to find a job that will let me feed myself.
Ahh... money will always be an issue if you are not rich. I need a job!
金曜日, 8月 01, 2008
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