水曜日, 11月 12, 2008


I just had the stupidest fall this morning! I was getting late for work so I rushed to get to the office. There is a little slope from where I parked my car to the office and because it is autumn (or winter), leaves were all over the road. I slipped and fell on my butt while walking down the slope. So embarrassing!! I hurt myself too! I have internal bleeding in my thumb now. haha..

Speaking of stupid, I was pulled over by the cops the other day for the most stupid reason! I was making a right hand turn at the light and the light was green. Cars going on the straight lane were all going straight and I know that no cars will be able to turn so I went ahead and turned into the outer lane.

Great job.. cuz there was a police car behind me. I was heading to Kroger and thought "hai.. since Im already getting a ticket for whatever reason, must as well make the police follow me to Kroger" and I did. HAHA... The guy was so mad when I finally stopped, when he came over, he was like "Are you from Alabama?" I went "Yea I was but I just moved over to GA so I have a GA license." And he said "You are not supposed to turn into the outer lane straight away when you are turning. You have to turn into the inner most lane and then signal yourself out. alright gimme your license and stay in your car, I'll be back."

I was so angry because I had no job and while since I graduated till that day (with no job), I got 2 tickets. 1 when I got lost and 1 while driving from Bham to Auburn. I think I almost got that job but I don't wana live in Bham... Not after that ticket. And I never got a ticket until I graduated (with no job)!!! WTH. So evil.

Anyways, this policeman took way longer than both policemen before to write me a ticket (maybe he writes really slow). But after making me wait forever thinking about how I'm going to break this to my parents (AGAIN), he came back. And he asked "Are you Korean?" I'm like =S "No, I'm Chinese, but I'm from Singapore". I was already about to cry and you ask me if I'm Korean?? And then I blurted out "I'm sorry about turning like that I did not know..." And the police guy starting scratching away at the ticket and he said "I'm going to change this to a warning." I was like =D!!! So I looked up at him and saw for the first time he is pretty cute hahaha... and I asked him if he is korean and he said he is mixed korean and american. I was so happy that day!