水曜日, 3月 23, 2005

oNe moRe daY tO sPrinG bReAk!!!!! :D

yaha!! cant wait man! just tomorrow and im off to spring break! yeah! but gotta finish polishing my research paper first...

hmm... today.. in sch, a guy asked me to go to prom with him, which is really really bad. I dun wanna go with him.. and i duno why i didn tell him no rite away.. im so stupid. i was sitting alone in the cafeteria (cuz violet decided to ditch me and go out cuz it was really really pretty outside) eating my Reeses white chocolate peanut butter easter egg and he came over asking me what it was. I showed him the wrapper and resumed eating when he asked: "hey kristy are you going to prom?" I was like "uh.. ya..." and he asked :" do you have a date?" i said no. and he asked me if i would like to go with him. it was the most embarrassing thing ever.. a few days ago i would give up everything for someone to ask me to prom but now, i feel like.. aRHG!!! it's really really embarrassing. i'd rather no one ask me than this.. i was like awestruck cuz i didn expect it. well, not from him anyways. was like 10mins before my mouth decided to work and i said "i'll let you know." Why didn i just reject straight away i do not know. so im really dreading tomorrow when i have to see him again and mayb i'll tell him im not going with him. i really hope this would end quikly and less awkwardly. i'd really rather go to prom alone and eat. LOL.. haha...

alrite.. that is sooo embarrassing, when i read about the "Yule Ball" in Harry Potter, which is kinda like prom, i knew something stupid would happen to me.. i just didn expect it to be so soon. I knew prom is a bad thing, and also other stuff like it. at least if im still in sg i'd probably have a bf to go with me but... im a nerd now!~ and proms are bad fer nerds like me.