木曜日, 3月 17, 2005

tHe tAstE oF fReEdOm....

haha.. im just kidding... ive just finished my research paper.. so i feel like i've regained all my freedom to read harry potter from 8 to 10pm again! haha.. i know.. im kinda obsessed with it.. cant blame me. the book is addicting.. and when i read it i kinda feel like im watching the movie too.. hmm... im happy! hehe.. and i've added a new idol in my brain.. My idols are Johnny Depp and Daniel Radcliffe.. hehe.. i know.. they aren't the cutest of all but they are really cool guys.. i like both their characters and their looks.. lol..

i am so excited! of sooo many thingS! some of them i can write it out here but others not. well i cant write out most of them.. hmm well.. all of them. but im really excited. hehe.. really...

most people have their blogs about depressing stuff and ppl will get depressed when they read it. so, im really glad im writing positive stuff. so ppl will at least be a little more cheerful than they were. :D i really duno why ppl wanna get depressed.. its really a waste of this wonderful life we are provided with.. so.. be happy! treasure ur life! work hard and be smart and happy! :D

crazy.. haha