日曜日, 4月 03, 2005

Fast food, candy bars, and chocolate

The 3 things that are best in USA. Fast food, candy bars, and chocolate. I have an enormous increase in my intake of these stuff ever since I left Singapore. Sometimes I just wished I didn't leave. All my wonderful friends, all separated now cause of the different schools they are going to attend. I've forgotten how I used to be in Singapore man cuz I'm really really different now. Really. Haha..

My dog's on the sofa trembling right now. No, she's not afraid of me. She's asleep and dreaming. I wonder what dogs dream about. Looks like she's running in her sleep. SHE'S SO CUTE! aRGh! :D

Tell me you love Johnny Depp and Daniel Radcliffe in my shoutbox! :D

I'm still thinking about that cute guy in the driver test center. He's sooo cute! Haha.. Think I just can't get over tomorrow being the last day of spring break. Gotta go take the driving test again next week though. Hope it won't ruin my day again. It was really embarrassing crying in front of people. It's very different than crying alone.

I'm soooo bored. I'm going to list the 5 things I miss most in Singapore:
1)My friends, especially the closest ones.. you know who you are~
2)Food aHa!
4)Shopping malls!
5)Public Transport!

O ya.. My family spent $10 buying candy and chocolates today haha.. This explains the number of obese people in the States ya...