土曜日, 4月 09, 2005

Got my driver's license!!!!

WHaha! I finally received my driver's license! But its only temporary haha.. I'll get the real one in a few weeks. I took the road test again on Thursday, was the first one to take it. The white lady was sooooooooo much better than the previous person. This tester went through the stuff I had to do with me and talked to me in a much better tone. I expected to fail again. I duno why. Guess I'm just preparing myself just in case. But I passed! :D I'm happy. The only thing stopping me from driving on my own is directions. I need someone beside to tell me where I have to turn and stuff. I dun think my dad wrote the letter of complaint but its ok. He doesn't need to do it anymore. I saw my previous tester at the center. I swallowed my pride and stuff. I sooooo wanted to go there and kick her ass but I treated her with much respect. Didn't give her any "fuck you" looks or stuff like that. Told her to help me change my name and stuff cuz someone typed it wrong. I was going to go to the other cashier but she walked away. I think she did it on purpose. But anyway, I think I made that ass feel real guilty for being such an ass and ya. I feel great about it.

Went to the church party yesterday. Had a real nice chat with my long lost friend. Lol.. I'm just kidding. It's just a few months since we saw each other. And.. the house was pretty. They are rich people. What can I say. It's not the prettiest but its ok. I had fun there, ate quite a good meal actually. Oh ya I went to the mall too. I was trying to get a prom dress but got a skirt instead.

Did I say that if I didn't manage to get a prom dress by yesterday I wouldn't go? I decided to take back my words haha.. I have a guy I think I wanna ask to go with me if he doesn't ask me soon. He's not the cutest guy I can find but he's the nicest guy and I'd like to know him better. As friends. The only problem is that he's kinda like the basketball star of my school, always scores the 2nd most points ya not the most... but anyways, so he's really really really really tall. And I'm really really really really short. Haha...

I decided to work harder in Math cuz I was too.. I duno. I can't keep blaming teachers for bad grades. So I finally brought a book home from school! I brought my math book home from school and did some problem sets. I feel great for doing that. Makes me feel hardworking. Lol.. HAha.. its great here.. Imagine not having to bring home any books and still getting As.. haha.. but I really gotta work hard.

I'm still not over that guy at the test center by the way.