金曜日, 4月 15, 2005

LoNg tIme nO uPdAtE

I am back and sorry fer not really updating much.. I've had a busy week. I bought a prom dress yesterday, yes i did : ), and went to return it today. Haha.. yeah.. It was a cheap one, only $89, but I returned it cuz I had bought one last year and I tried both on and they looked quite the same so I decided to get a refund for this. Ya.. guess the price of the prom dress I'm going to wear?? I'm not going to tell yall the answer first.. Haha.. guess guess!

Anyway, I drove to my piano teacher's house today and was late. Haha.. I'm really really bad at directions.. Turned right at McDonalds instead of left. How stupid can a person be.. haha..

Oh ya.. Went to D.I.M.U.N (Davidson's Invitational Model United Nations) Wednesday and Thursday. We were supposed to act like the United Nations and create resolutions and vote on them and stuff. It was extremely stupid. Here are some reasons why:
1) I didn't see the guy from the test center. (Wonder what sch he's in..)
2) The thing was super boring. We could write notes to each other but.. I didn't write much really.. Was too busy falling asleep.
3) People are so serious and crappy about it, and some others are getting stupid about it.
4) A guy representing China dressed up as a ninja.
5) There are crappy girls who spent the whole time flirting with my friend who happened to sit beside me and was talking to me.
6) People passed a resolution to feed ice-cream and ramen noodles to children in africa. I voted against it cuz of its stupidness but apparently some people ARE stupid.
7) A bloody fucker said this: "We should not be wasting our time trying to get resolutions from the topic 'Development of third world countries'. Why? Because third world countries had caused themselves to be third world countries. It's not our problem. It's theirs."

There are some good points about this event though. The meeting was held in Downtown Mobile so I managed to go to a restaurant called "Spot of Tea". It had the best food, best service, and best tea. I love that place and really really hope to go back there again. I even looked for the waitress so I could give her her tip (I had forgotten to leave it on the table cuz I needed to go weewee.. haha).

Hmm.. Went to the mall with my mum today. It was fun. Children like me are endangered.. Haha.. Moms like mine are too.. Hehe.. =D I love my family.

Haha.. What else........ Well.. Nothing more to add.. I think.... O ya.. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince comes out in July and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie comes out Nov.. Cant waIT! And.. The Darkness is a really good band... Try downloading come of their songs. My favourite's "Friday Night".