火曜日, 5月 24, 2005

2nd day of school.. is gReAt!

Haha.. I'm happy. I thought I wasn't going to make any friends at all but hey I'm nice! Keke.. I met a Taiwanese woman today when I was having breakfast. She was really nice. Told me all about Auburn, the buses and stuff, and even offered to bring me to wal-mart if I needed to! She is a really nice lady. Her husband's here for some research thingy. It's cool

And then, I had my first lecture today in Psychology. It's not bad at all! In fact, I had fun! The professor wasn't like those on tv and stuff. He is an interesting guy. HAha.. But, I'm going to skip school tomorrow cuz I don't have my textbook yet. I would be doing nothing if I go anyways.

When getting my lunch, I was like.. oh no.. There're some Japs there.. It's going to be awkward. But, I had fun. They were all smiling at me so I asked if I could go sit with them and they said yeah. I told them I'm from Singapore and stuff and they were really nice. Talked to them alot. It was a little awkward at first cuz they are learning English like I'm learning Japanese but it got better. I brought my Japanese learning book down and they were like.. wow.. and they taught me stuff not in the book! I practised my Japanese with them and it was really cool.. haha.. The guys were alright. I met one with golden hair. Haha.. but he's really cool and cute too. And he swims. I'm going to get him to bring me swimming one day.. It's kinda hard to remember their names though but after 3 hours of sitting there and chatting with them, I managed to get their names in my head. Haha.. Knowing these few Japs equals knowing more cuz everytime another Jap comes, they'll introduce him or her to me. It's fun. We talked about Crayon SinShan, Spirited away, and other movies too. The first girl I got to know was Mariko. She told me to go to her room if I wanna watch some Jap dvds. It was cool. They're all really really nice.

Haven't seen them after I left though. Hope to see them tomorrow again cuz I really need someone to talk to. Can't spend a whole day alone. I'll have hallucinations. Haha.. Gotta go get my textbook tomorrow. Yeah! ready fer another day!