日曜日, 5月 22, 2005


Hmm.. How do I start? I have to say. This past week has been the most.. I duno.. It feels weird.

I've been looking forward to this since.. I came here? And yup. I'm living in Auburn now. In my own little dorm. No roommate. And the watching of my mom and dad (and little bro) walk back to the car to drive home thingy? Done that. As usual, I cried. But, not much cuz I'm in my bro's apartment rite now. I miss my mom and dad already, but not my little bro.. Dang I'm getting all teary-eyed again. I miss Kiska too.. Turned on Discovery just now and saw a thing about wolves and I got all teary-eyed too. Fortunately, I have a pic of her in my dorm.

Anyways, I had been really busy the past week. I took all my exams ahead of everyone, bought a laptop (my dad paid), signed up a line with my bro, and packed all my stuff. My cell's supposed to get to my house last Thursday but it never did. So, my family's going to drive up here again next week to give it to me. I gave my number to a few of my friends in the high school, Matthew too.. But I hope he'll try to call next week. Stupid postage people.... I miss talking to Matthew.

Everything seems to be going pretty well here. I've met a few of my bro's friends. They're cool. Saw lots of Japs where I'm living. Hope to get to know them and brush up on my Japanese. I'm starting school tomorrow. I don't know how I feel right now. I'm supposed to be excited but.. I don't really want to be just in case I get disappointed with the school I won'y feel as bad. I'll try to get a job and stuff.. ya.. I'll be fine....

Top 4 things/people I'm already missing:
1) My Mom and Dad and Kiska
2) My mom's cooking
3) Matthew
4) My friends
I can't think of number 5 so I changed to 4.

Oh ya.. yesterday night people kept knocking at my door. It was kinda scary. I thought they were just a bunch of drunk people making a fool of themselves. Then, in the morning, I realised that I left my keys in the keyhole. This lets me know that it should be quite safe where I'm living. The people were just trying to tell me how stupid and careless I was to leave my keys out like that. Lol.. and my mom was like I'm going to get your brother to come live here with you and stuff.. But she's cool now. I miss her though.. alot.

Alrite.. That's all I can think of now. And I kinda left lots of stuff at home.. like shorts.. and other necessities that I don't think I should write down.. So I gotta sleep in jeans. Cool huh..

I kinda like it here.. Feeling the freedom coming... Yeah... I don't feel as great as I thought I would be though.. But I have a good feeling bout this 4 years that I'm going to spend here. =D