金曜日, 6月 17, 2005

I like today

Today is a day of good news. Only 1 bad news. Quite a bad one but I'm glad of the good news.

I was doing the lecture quiz today in Psychology and the professor suddenly called out 2 names and said to see him after class. Naturally, one of the names is mine or I wouldn't even bother to talk about Psyc. I was like.. What.. Did I do..... I had no choice so I went to see him after my quiz. The other guy finished his quiz so he was talking to the professor by the time I finished. I kinda heard part of their conversation. Got a "C''... Have to finish taking quiz 2 or 6.. Blah blah and I was like.. Great... I studied till my temples burst and now I have to get bad news too. Contrary to my thoughts, I got great news!! My professor told me that I have taken too many quizzes HAHA!! He told me that I only had to take 12 quizzes and I had taken like 13 so haha... And he counted my scores for me and I GOT AN "A"!!!! I'm really really really really relieved. I didn't study yesterday cuz I was too tired and I thought about the last 2 quizzes and stuff but now I don't have to worry about it anymore!! No more!! YES!! I'm really glad.

And I went to my academic advisor to drop History in the Fall today. And she helped me a lot. I asked her about studying abroad and stuff. I think it's going to be great. I'm happy.

Oh yeah.. My first day of work yesterday. It was tough. It was really stressful for me cuz I was really really scared when the boss was standing next to me. I like completely blanked out haha... But she's nice.. Kinda rough when things get busy but she took care of me. I ate dinner there and it was GREAT! I liked it very much. Boss told me that I would have to work till at least next summer so I guess I just got the job! I'll work hard. Yes. I can't wait to get my pay! I'm going to get an mp3 player. And all the things that I want to get. Haha.. And I'm going to save most of it to maybe help pay for my future study abroad programs. Don't want to put too much pressure on my parents.

I told the girl who likes the guy I like that I like him yesterday. I was really really afraid that it might ruin our friendship so I took like 15 mins before I told her everything. I told her "I like him but I decided to try to not like him anymore after you told me you like him." Haha.. Then she was like ''No!!! You shouldn't give up on him!!!" And I was like :O. She told me she likes it now that they are friends. Nothing more. But I feel really bad. I don't know. All I know is that I like him a lot. And she is a great friend. She is a really really nice girl. If I were her I would hate me.

The only bad news today is that he is sick. We were supposed to go d today at someone's house but... I don't know.. I dont even know what to do. Visit him? I don't know his room number and I can't find his friends!!!! I hope that he'll feel better.

But today's a good day. Tomorrow's Saturday. I don't have to go to class anymore next week. It's great! I'll use next week to work hard on my Japanese.