月曜日, 6月 20, 2005

I slept late yesterday and woke up late today!! Why? Cuz I don't have to go to school!! =D Crazy... Worked at 5 today again.. I don't really like working there to say the truth. It's very much more difficult than being a normal waitress. I mean.. I get good food there but the boss is hinting me to eat before I go to work so.. Yeah.. She let me eat there today tho. And I couldn' finish it. One meal there is HUGE man.. Could feed me for the whole day. So, I'm freaking full right now. I went to the library with Kaz and Ippei again today. But we didn't do much. Kaz and I talked quite a bit... He talks more when he's drunk. That's why my good ani Tomo is going to help me! He takes care of me well. Yes.

Dang I feel like getting a drink. But it's a weekday so.. I control myself. I have a feeling that Kaz doesn't like me. I don't know why. I have no idea why but I have this feeling that he doesn't like me.

I spent this afternoon following Sho around cuz I have nothing else to do. He's a nice guy. And fun and funny. I like hanging out with him.

I have worked for 7 hours in Panda... So I have earned... $36.75. Wow.. Working IS difficult! It was stressful man. Some customers are like... I want this but don't want that one in it and please add those in there. What the heck sia.. So fat le.. Anything can do la... Then my boss is like standing there waiting for me to get something wrong. If you stare at me like that, of cuz I'll get something wrong la!! I'm still doing really bad I think.. Boss said that I have improved quite a bit. But I still feel.. I don't know. I guess I gotta try to boost my confidence. Some customers just give you the "fuck you" face. I smile at every customer who comes in the restaurant but some of them are just.. Bad. And today, come guy came in, bought something and I told him it would be 10 mins. He said ok and said he would go out for a walk. He came back later when it was so busy and just took one of the stuff on the desk. I thought someone told him it was his so I just nodded and continued with the other customers. Turned out that it wasn't his. Everyone was like freaking out. Except me. What the heck do they expect.. I mean... He's already gone. Freak out for what? So I just looked guilty until he came back to get his real meal. Why can't some people just wait. Haha.. I'm blaming stuff on everyone except me. This $36.75 is quite a tough one.

I am so bored right now.. I've tried really hard to learn Japanese but it's not easy at all. I've tried really hard to familiarize myself with the Panda menu but it's not easy for me. I have poor memory. And I'm bad at looking for things. What am I good at? Sitting down and staring into space and listen to people talk. I like to listen. Listen to what people are talking about. And then laugh at them being stupid cuz they are talking about what they are talking about. :S

Argh.. Of the so many blogs I've been to, the entries are often miserable and angry. Is life really really that bad? Why are so many people angry and alone?