火曜日, 6月 28, 2005

It's just today. Tomorrow will be better.

Such a title equals a not so happy entry. I'm not happy at all so I'm sorry I can't write a happy entry.

It all started this morning my first day in World History. It sucks. What kind of teacher starts on the first day of class without a computer, without notes, without nothing!!! He just talked. And talked. And talked. It isn't really that bad. Actually, it wasn't bad at all till he started talking about people domesticating animals. "Domesticated the dog.. sometimes for eating... It's blah blah blah.. but some peopl actually eat dogs..." And the whole time, he was fucking looking at me. What the fuck. I HATE THIS FUCKING TEACHER. I DO NOT EAT DOGS. I have a pet dog. And I love her. I don't even eat frogs. Gosh.. Bloody fucker...

And then after that, I went back to my room. Then I went to the bookstore to buy my world history book. Great. I had to go to THAT cashier. That guy tried to pronounce my name and I said people call me Kristy here. And he said oh that's cute. And then he said you're pretty by the way. No. I don't need that. Great. I DO NOT need that. I don't want people to tell me that. I don't like it. Fuck it. Stupid.

I went out of the bookstore and it started raining. Great job Kristy. Just ignore the dark clouds and rumbling sky and leave your room without an umbrella. I had to walk in the rain. The rain was quite a heavy one. I did not like it at all. No I did not. I feel like a freak.

Dinner was great, except that I ate at 3:30. Kaz was there, which made me happy. For a while.

After dinner's work. Work seemed to go pretty well, until 7:00p.m. A guy called and ordered stuff. He's black. He talks black. I got everything he said. Except fried shrimp with fries. I didn't get fries. He came at 7 I think and I gave him his order. He walked out.. And came back. He said he needs the fries. It's not included in the price he paid so my boss asked him if he wanted them the kitchen will fix it up for him. He said no, shook his fucking head, and walked out again. Then, halfway out the door, he came back and said he wants his money back. Fuck it. My boss said we could fix up the fries for him but he said he doesn't want to wait. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Suddenly, that image from the lift when I was Primary 6 came back to me. It's scary. I don't like it. I feel like a freak. I feel really bad. I don't feel good at all.

Kaz came but it didn't make it a lot better. It's too late.

I need a drink. I'm going to get it right now.