木曜日, 6月 30, 2005

My First Pay

I got my first paycheck today!! Well uh... It's cold hard cash haha.. But I'm going to put the whole thing in the bank cuz I spent too much of my ''rainy days'' money haha.. Gotta postpone my buying of the mp3 player I have been longing for for months.. It's ok. I'm fine without it now so yeah..

Kaz was kinda not really friendly to me today. I don't know why. I guess he was tired or something. He's not really rude or what he just.. I don't know. But it's ok. Haha..

I was in my oniichan's room till 2a.m yesterday haha. He taught me how to massage and judo. Haha.. It was really really really fun. I love hanging out with him. We both benefit from hanging out with each other. He gets to speak more English and I get to learn lots of stuff from him and about him. Cool guy.

World History today is.. uh... alright. I couldn't keep myself awake haha.. I don't know why. I was more awake when I returned to my dorm than when I was in class. I think it's the voice. Gosh.. It's really really bad. Worse than Mr. Johns (Singapore) and Mr. Ranew(U.S.).

I'm going to hang out with my oniichan again! Fun!