Nothing to do on Sunday morning
Yes. So I went to my brother's apartment to wash my clothes. :S Anyways, I went swimming yesterday and it was fun. After that I stayed in my room till we went out to eat dinner. It's not bad.. Then, we went to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Not bad...I went to Tomo's friend's house to drink after that haha.. My alcohol tolerance is getting better! I'm happy. And Kaz talked to me a lot!! I was really really happy. We stayed at Tomo's friend's house till like 3a.m. Haha.. Tomo told me he could tell that I like Kaz :O
Today's Father's Day. I called my dad and talked to Kiska again. I miss her soooo much. Can't wait to see her again next week! So.. I have a whole week of nothing to do. No psychology class equals practically nothing to do really. But I'm happy. I get to sleep really really really late now haha.. I borrowed Kaz's cds this morning. I dont like rap, I dont love hip-hop but I love his cds! Haha... I'm just kidding. I dont really like them but I still like them. I like him a lot.
I'm supposed to go to work today but Juliana called to tell me boss is changing it to tomorrow so.. yeah... I dont really like working but it's worth it.
I don't even know what I want to do later.. Maybe just lay around.. Maybe go to someone's room hoping to see Kaz in there... Yeah.. yeah....
Oh ya.. I just changed the music. This is a small part of a song I like. This song Sakura, is sung by... ya I should say it's my favourite Japanese band. They have another song that I like better but I cant find a long one online so.. yeah... enjoy it please
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