Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

School was boring today haha.. I couldn't stay awake (again..) cuz of yesterday I think. Hehe.. Anyways, I was really afraid that I would have nothing to do today. =P I hate being bored. But I did something! I went to Mandarin House, and it is confirmed that that will be my workplace come next week! =D I'm excited. I'm going to be a hostess! What I do is just wait for people to come in and bring them to their seats. That's all! So simple, and I get paid $4 the 2 days that I will be learning from my lao da. And when I officially get the job, I will be paid a little more than $6 an hour. Maybe $6.25,35, or 75. I didn't quite remember. But it's very much better than my previous job! Get paid only $5.25 an hour for doing so much. So.. Yea!!!! I'm glad!
I ate dinner as usual... Then after that, I accidentally heard that 3 of my friends are going to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It has Johnny Depp in it, so, I went too, of course. It was GREAT!!!!! Johnny Depp is a TERRIFIC actor. He's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!! I would see it again when the DVD comes out. OMG. Johnny Depp is so cute. He's a little baichi in the movie but still REALLY CUTE!!!! I'm forever his fan. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a cute story. ^^
I really really hope that Seiji would bring me to go play golf tomorrow. I REALLY WANT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to wait till Seiji returns and ask him to bring me tomorrow. I really really want to go. I'll go pick an outfit for tomorrow first.
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