Today's DANIEL RADCLIFFE's Birthday!!!! He is now 16 years
old!!! I'm 16 years old too!!!!!!!! WHAHAHA.... =D HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL RADCLIFFE!! あなたはちょかっこい!!!
I'm going to celebrate Mr. Radcliffe's birthday by going swimming! =D It's been sooooooooo long since I last swam. I'm happy.

So many people's reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince I'm jealous. I feel so left behind. I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But stupid me wants to wait till Book 7 comes out and then buy the whole set in a set. Know what I'm sayin? I'll go borrow from the library or from my friends. I love Harry Potter. It's one of the really really really few books that I truly enjoy reading.
I ate the Nissin Curry Flavoured Cup Noodles that I bought from Atlanta today. It was おいしい!!! And Hello Panda too haha.. But it's much more expensive than in Singapore I think. I forgot how much I bought it for but I know it's not cheap. I'm going to get a whole carton of Hello Panda from Singapore this Dec. MMmmm.... Delicious.
Sian... I wanna go swimming now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I should leave now.
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