If yall didn't manage to read my entry about this in May, here's it again.
I hereby declare (again) to ALL white people aged 57 or above living in Mobile, Alabama:
And to those who whether deliberately or not made my mom agitated, be afraid. I could be the one to move your phone to the room at the end of the corridoe when you fall. I'm serious.
That's was my declaration in May, but for this month, I have extra stuff to tell you. Yall look like the picture above!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YALL STUPID IGNORANT BASTARDS.
Alright. What happened this time you ask? Some bloody old man scolded my parents for no fucking reason. Well.. My dog was running around without a leash but that doesn't give him any fucking right to scold MY parentS!! If I was there, I would have tripped him with his dog's leash. Bloody arsehole. I wouldn't mind, my parents wouldn't have minded if he just told them nicely. WTF. My dog did fucking nothing to you and you scold my parents. FUCK YOU MAN. NO ONE treats my parents like that. You better be afraid. I'm going to trip you when I fucking see you in Mobile.
That fucking guy is not the only one who got me pissed off. A few days ago, my mom was at Wal-mart (I think) and she was just reversing out of her parking space. Suddenly, an old, fuckinly old couple came in, used, their car to push the fucking trolley and the fucking trolley hit my mom's car. Fuck that couple man. Bloody fuckers. I hope that a trolley would for no reason smash into their car so they had to go repaint it or something man.
Mobile's old people are so fucking stupid and irritating and disgusting. They think that they are really smart but in actuality they are fuckingly ignorant and dumb. They look down on Asians when they are the fucking ones who deserve to be looked down on. They think that they are like. EEYER I hate them. They pretty much suck really badly. Bloody Fuckers. I was having a good day. Man I know someday I'll regret saying all that but I'm so angry now that I dont give a fucking damn.
I'm sorry for this long paragraph. I tried to separate it so many times but blogger's not my friend right now..
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