月曜日, 7月 18, 2005


Rememer Maiko? She's the one who is a really good friend. But. Today just now at dinner, I was sitting with her and my other friend and Maiko told my friend something in Japanese. I was surprised but I kinda understood what she was saying. I heard names, and Kaz's name, and i heard 'atode', which means later. I learnt it before.. She's going somewhere with the group. I asked her what she was going to do tonight. She said nothing, maybe watch a movie or something. I don't know if I got it wrong or not. I dont know. My friend didn't say anything. She never really talk much, to me anyway cuz she's still learning English.

I don't know. I'm getting like paranoid. I don't know why. I get suspicious at every little thing. Look at Kaz. He did nothing and I was getting my self all worried and sad.

Anyway, I didn't ask more. I shouldn't. She seems trustworthy. Maybe she doesn't want to tell me cuz I told her it's hard for me to not like KAZ anymore so soon. Maybe she's just avoiding the subject so I won't get upset. But she seemed closer to Kaz now than before. Is she trying to spite me? Look at me getting all paranoid again haha... I'm sure she's not. I don't know what happened to my trust in people. What happened? I don't remember!

But I gotta start learning to trust again..