金曜日, 7月 08, 2005


I had nothing to do after the test today haha.. Went to work. Ate there. It was ok ok. Haha.. There's a new girl at work today. She's taking over my boss. The lady I call boss everytime is not actually the real boss, she's his girlfriend. Yup. She's leaving to study at Illinois soon so she need a full-time replacement, which of course, would not be me. I don't work that hard. Anyways, this girl's originally from China (大路来的, boss said), but she lived in New York for sometime I believe cuz she just arrived here 2 days ago from NY. I wasn't excited. You know how I feel about Chinese Chinese.. It's not like I'm looking down or something. We are just different you know. HongKongese and Singaporeans are different, but Chinese Chinese are more different from us than we are to each other you know what I'm sayin. She's new, her english is not really good (according to boss), but she wants to tell people what to do and she loves to snatch customers lol.. It doesn't really matter to me much, except boss tells me to make sure she doesn't go to the counter to get the customers. What bugs me is that she wants to order me around sometimes. I was chatting to boss's brother for like 30 secs and I was going to clean the tables, she ordered me to help her. I mean, she can do that stuff on her own. What do I do? Obey lo. I'm nice. Don't wanna make it hard for her. Yeah.. Boss said she's less obedient than I am and you know.. Chinese Chinese... They want to do stuff to glorify themselves. Hey Violet, if you're reading this, you're different ok haha.. Really.

Anyways, I had FUN... I hung out with KAZ today!! We talked and ate dinner together. He's kinda quiet but he's really nice. He's not really quiet quiet, but hanging out with him, I didn't feel as comfortable as hanging out with my oniichan. But it's still fun. It'll be better when we get to know each other better. He showed me some of his pictures from Japan when he had longer hair. Wow he looked great. He looks like a star somehow. The way he dresses I guess. I like him....

I'm going to have fun later.. Hehe... But I know how to control. And I'm going with Kaz later!! Hehe.... I'm excited to be with him.