水曜日, 8月 24, 2005

Life's good. I've got to be happy

School sucks as usual. Who would ever say that school's good? College sucks more than high school cuz lectures are really really really boring and you know practically no one in school. Well, at least I do. Serves me right for skipping grades. I'm such an idiot. I don't know haha..

Been hanging out with my brother's friends more and more these few days. They're really cool people, except when they start to make fun of me, it gets bad. Serves me right for skipping grades. Sometimes it's so bad I really feel like crying out loud man but.. wth. They're cool people to be with.

I need a guy. I need him to hug me and kiss me and protect me and let me know that everything is fine and will continue to be. I want to be loved by him. Why can't I find him? Am I ugly? Do I have such terrible character that no guy wants me? I've been surrounded by couples everyday it's driving me insane.

I've been cleaning up my apartment and stuff. I think it looks good now! Hehe... And I don't know when my brother's going to get internet set up. He's like... ARGH. It's stupid. He has internet and I have trouble with it everyday cuz we have to steal internet from the other occupants here haha. That sucks pretty badly. Yes it does.

I watched Pirates of the Caribbean again yesterday with Brian haha.. I LOVE that movie. And Brian's a cool guy to be with. I wanna go watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory again!!!! Gotta go watch it quick before they stop showing it. That movie's sooooooooooooooooooo good! I LOVE IT SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! Johnny Depp's the coolest guy on earth! And he's a GREAT actor. And he's wonderfully cute. He's like my only idol. Haha..

Anyway, I've been bulldoodooing this whole entry. Sucks man. Don't even know what I want to do now... I need a guy.