日曜日, 8月 28, 2005


No more work till next Friday!!! =D =D =D!!! Working for 3 consecutive days was terrible. My legs are hurting so bad right now can't even walk properly. But as long as I get to earn money, it's fine.

Stupid Hurricane Katrina. Why go so far away? Why can't you come just a little nearer to Auburn to let us have a few days off of freaking school? You suck man. Stupid useless hurricane. I hate school man. 8a.m. class every freaking day except Wednesday, when I have my first class at 9. Not much of a difference.

I'm in such a bad mood today. I feel like kicking everyone in the nuts. I'm just kidding haha. I just don't feel really happy at all man.

Went shopping today with Kyna and Erin. Bought a sweater and tube top in Pac Sun. Wth I don't even wear tube tops. Well I did when I thought I had a good body and was so fucking full of myself. But I don't wear stuff like that anymore man. What the heck was I thinking? Guess I just wanted to spend $$. Why though.

Chantal, thanks for being so caring. I love you man. I really need a friend like you here. Life would be soooo much easier. But sorry I kinda disappointed you in something. You'll know what I'm saying if you remember our conversation and continue reading. I cannot wait to see my friends again in Singapore. I miss yall so very much. I think I missed yall so much that I didn't really make an effort to make new friends here. I don't know. I really wonder how my life would be right now if I had stayed in Singapore.

A guy at my workplace asked me out for lunch tomorrow. I said ok. Wth. I don't know what I'm doing today at all. But I guess it won't be so bad. He seems like a pretty nice guy. I've been so friendly to everyone today even though I feel like kicking everyone in the nuts. Hai hai hai. Why do I feel so terrible.

I've been hanging out a lot with Brian this few days. Don't know why. Guess when I hang out with him I kinda feel protected and stuff. And I'm happy with I hang out with him, most of the time. But I'm going to stop spending so much time hanging out with him cuz I have tons of cufking homework to do and tons of cufking reading to do and tons of cufking housekeeping to do. Man my apartment gets dirty easily man, even when I'm not around. Tsk tsk. Why can't guys be tidier people.

I have to complete this stupid Chemistry homework tonight. It kinda was due last Friday but I gave my professor the most innocent face ever and asked him if I could turn it in Monday. Dang why didn't I say Friday or something.

Anyways, as you can tell, I have changed my blog song to 'Learn Chinese' by Jin, who's really cool haha. Yall gon learn Chinese. I have his webbie in my sidebar so go check it out.

Don't I need a guy just for myself? I've got to get out of Alabama.