木曜日, 9月 15, 2005


Went to the DOC yesterday.. It was alright. I had to wait for 1/2 an hour even tho I had an appointment >:(. The girl that sat beside me was like ''I have an appointment at 3p.m. and they haven't let me in yet." And I was like "I have an appointment at 2:30." And she was like ''oh''. Lol.. Anyways, I had an x-ray for my ankle. It was COOL. The machine stuff haha.. But it took quite sometime though cuz I met a blonde in the X-ray room and they needed to put her info in the computer first. And she was there before me so. But it's kinda.. Iono. I asked her what happened to her and she told me her lungs and stuff. I don't really remember what is wrong but she had some part of her lung taken out cuz of.. I forgot haha.. And it's causing her problems now like she keeps coughing and having asthma and shit. But she's so.. Man. If I were her, I would be so pissed at myself you know what I'm saying. But she told me that she just tries to make the best out of each day. And she's all smiling and cheerful. Damn. The only thing I don't like about her is that she joined a sorority. To think that I was getting all pissed yesterday cuz of my ankle haha..

The doctor was sooooooooooo nice! I circle A in everything in the patient survey except for the thing they ask about time I had to wait before I went in I circle D haha.. Anyways, he explained everything to me and was so nice! He listened to everything I said about my dad and little bro with this problem too. He even took out a book to show me what's wrong kinda like a teacher you know. So, the problem with me is that I'm a little.... flat-footed... =I My leg kinda rolls in a weird way when I walk stretching that tendon near my ankle and that tendon kinda rubbed on the bone or something and got a little swollen. BUT he said my bones are GREAT! Haha.. He also told me to get new shoes with arches.. Don't really know how to say it. And I guess I gotta wear my flip flops less often. ='( And I gotta eat 4 Aleve tablets a day to reduce the pain and the swelling. I also gotta ice that ankle everyday in the afternoon. That's all. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE FLAT-FOOTED!! IT SUCKS!! I WANNA WEAR FLIP FLOPS EVERYDAY!!!!!!!! See I'm getting pissed again. Haha.. I gotta learn from that blonde I talked about.

I just finished writing a fucking English paper Monday and here's a new fucking one again! =D Man I hate English class. And the only other person that doesn't give a fuck about that class is not in that class anymore. I guess he dropped it.

Gotta study today. No hanging out. I have a Chemistry test next Monday and I don't even remember what he taught in class. Damn. Stupid teacher. I'll have to say that he's not very smart man. That teacher makes so many mistakes COPYING HIS OWN NOTES onto the blackboard. Man.... I could do better.

Anyways, I gotta go research for a stupid topic for that fucking English paper.