日曜日, 10月 30, 2005

I broke three of my rules today. Oh no. Yesterday. Hai.. And I received my punishment. I played football (not soccer) today and the ball hit my earring and it ripped my ear uh.. I duno what it's called but it's the harder part.. uh.. the part where you put pressure on when things get too noisy around you and you wana reduce the volme.. haha.. anyway.. It hurt and it bled a lot. I guess this is the punishment I get for breaking not one, not two, but three (maybe four) of my own rules. I cannot believe it. Well uh.. I can cuz I did it. I duno. I just couldn't control myself I guess. I duno what to do with that ear man. I'm kinda worried. And I think that punishment wasn't enough cuz I have lots of pimples popping out all over my face.

Then again, I did enforce some of my rules today. One of it is the ''No crying'' one. That thing hurt so much but I didn't cry. =) But. I've got to stop this. I cannot break my own rules anymore. To prevent myself from breaking my own rules, I'm going to skip 3 meals everytime I break one rule.

I've got to go sleep