日曜日, 10月 23, 2005

Some people are just soooooo miserable.

Man... Something interesting happened at work today.

When I got to work today (at 4:40p.m.), there was already tons of people eating the buffet. It's kinda weird cuz it's only 4:40. People eat that early? Anyways, everything was going well, I was doing my usual sidejobs and saying hi to everyone.. I was going to ask boss if I could eat dinner when I finished my sidejobs but a Meixican woman and her grandchild went to the counter to pay so I was like ok... I'll wait. I was waiting and was like, man.. she's taking a long time and I'm getting hungry so I went to take a look at what's happening. Turns out one of the waitresses/waiters wrote on the check that she drank a soft drink when it was her grandchild who got the soft drink. Boss was sooooo patient trying to explain to her saying it's the same price and all that shit. She got pissed. Haha..... Boss kept trying to explain but she didn't wana listen at all. Boss even said ''Look, I'm trying to explain to you but you're not listening. '' And she was like. Why did they put it on my check instead of my grandson's and shit like that. She took out some money and put it on the counter and walked out. By that time, boss was like ''what's the f- difference? you're paying anyway!'' He didn't really say the 'f-' but I heard him stop himself at the last minute haha..

Well.. I thought that would be the end of stupid shows by weird Mexican women but no. Her grandson came back and told boss that his grandma wants change for her money. Boss was like ok and got the change and SHE came back again! Haha.... She said ''Don't you ask me what's the fucking difference''. Note that she used the f-word first. And they started quarreling again and man it was LOUD. Boss was so angry he was about to hit her and she shouted ''you dare to hit me? come on and hit me!'' Everyone was looking at them and I'm the only one trying to stifle a laugh. That woman was making a freaking fool of herself man. Haha.. The f-word started to fly around. Then she said ''my grandson's over here how dare you use f-word you motherfucker'' And I was like.. hmm.. :S Haha.. Man I was trying so hard not to laugh cuz damn my boss was angry. After a while he invited her to continue outside in order to not disturb the other customers. I don't know what happened outside but boss was still pretty angry when he came back. Man. Some people are so miserable. Stuff worse than this happened to me and my family at other restaurants and we always go ''oh well''. Haha.. Man.. That woman. She's weird. I guess she likes to make people miserable along wit her. I don't think shouting and quarreling like that makes her happy, it certainly doesn't make anyone in the restaurant happy. She's weird. And I had to wait till 8:40 to eat my dinner. Damn that bitch... Haha.

Anyways, haha... The weather's cooling down. =D Lowest 7 degrees highest 17... Hehe... I'm just saying this to make my friends in Singapore jealous haha.. Just kidding. Man. If the temperature in Singapore is like that, Singapore would be the coolest place to live in. Well.. Singapore is really the coolest place to live in. Just, it would be cooler if the temperature is like autumn all year.

I CANNOT wait to go back to Singapore this Dec. I wana get lot's of food. I suddenly remembered MAN TOU today while working. The fried ones, SO GOOD. Ahh.. I can't wait to eat when I return to Singapore.