This is my previous entry:
ALRIGHT! I've got my flight schedule here so LOOK CLOSELY!! =D
Flight SQ 29 departing from Los Angeles at 11:25p.m. to arrive in Singapore at 11:50a.m. (Dec 16th). We leave Singapore at 7:50 a.m. on flight Mi 922 reaching Xiamen at 12pm.
This is the IMPORTANT part:We will depart on flight Mi 923 on Dec 20th from China and touch down at 9:20p.m. in SINGAPORE.
I would really really really really wish to see ALL my friends, jies, dis, kors, and meis at the airport.... And of cuz.. my family too... Haha.. So.. please come I would really appreciate a hug and/or kiss haha...
This is the update. I just realized that I will stay in Singapore from Dec 16th to Dec 17th and then leave for China. So.. I can meet yall for a longer time than on Dec 20th since that's at night..So.. I will reach Singapore on DEC 16th AT 11:50a.m. on FLIGHT SQ 29! Please come on that day instead everyone!! So sorry for the confusion!!! I hope to see ALL my jies, dis, kors, meis, friends, and family at the airport! Would really appreciate a hug and/or kiss haha.. =DAlso, Ima get a prepaid cellphone and have my number here so yall can call me and we can go hang out! =) Please talk to me on msn or email me to ask anything if you're confused!! Hope to see everyone at the airport cuz I miss everyone sooooo much! =)
I am 17!
=D No longer only 16! Haha.. 1 more year and I'll be 18 and I can register for eBay whaha...
I'd like to thank EVERYONE who wished me happy birthday! I'm so happy! Georgie even called to sing me a birthday song! All the way from Singapore! Haha.. =D I received many gifts too! And I love ALL of them! They are all so useful and cute! Haha..
For all those that did not... I guess it's really tough to live in Singapore and yall are just too busy and stressed up right? Yall remembered, just.. Iono.. Haha.. Oh well
Haha.. I'm so happy that most of my closest friends remembered! And even some of those who I thought would forget rememberED! Thank you all so much! I love all of you! =D
Haha... I already got a birthday ecard from my dearest cuzzin Yuen and Dada... I'm so happy. Yall got me teary-eyed!!! I miss yall soooooooooooo sooooooooooo much!! We are going to eat the really really delicious chicken rice when i return right???!!
And of cuz my dearest mei has already wished me happy birthday.. Jeannie you made me cry reading your blog!!!!!!! I miss everything we did and of cuz you!! SO MUCH!! haha.. I'll NEVER forget the wobbling jelly!! Haha.. We should go eat Seoul Garden when I return!! I really really cannot wait to see you!! I miss you sooooooooooooo much!! You're the best mei anyone could have.
ALRIGHT! I've got my flight schedule here so LOOK CLOSELY!! =D
Flight SQ 29 departing from Los Angeles at 11:25p.m. to arrive in Singapore at 11:50a.m. (Dec 16th). We leave Singapore at 7:50 a.m. on flight Mi 922 reaching Xiamen at 12pm.
This is the
We will depart on flight Mi 923 on Dec 20th from China and touch down at 9:20p.m. in
SINGAPORE.I would really really really really wish to see
ALL my friends, jies, dis, kors, and meis at the airport.... And of cuz.. my family too... Haha.. So.. please come I would really appreciate a hug and/or kiss haha...
I am not looking forward to my birthday.
My 17th birthday is the first birthday I'm going to have without my parents and away from Singapore. What would happen? Iono.. I hope it'll be ok. I'm really not looking forward to my birthday cuz.. of a couple of reasons I guess. Firstly, it's been more than 2 years since I left Singapore. Do they still remember me? What if my birthday comes and even my closest friends like Xinzi, Chantal, Emily, Jeannie, Valerie, Candy, Sherlyn, and Ivy don't remember? I would be really disappointed and sad. I mean, I would rather not know that they've forgotten than you know. But then again, how can I have such little faith in my closest friends? They would be pretty disappointed if they see that I don't have faith in them. So, I'm gonna hope that they remember.. Hehe.. Damn.. I miss them so much. I duno how I'm going to react when I see them again next month.
Secondly, my parents are not going to be here.. They'll come on November 18th though.
I duno what else. Anyways, I really miss eating Seoul Garden with Jeannie and Valerie on occasions we consider important like birthdays and.. some other ones haha..
I'm going to ''celebrate'' my birthday this year with friends that I know for only a few months. I duno.. Duno what to expect. I guess it's alright cuz I don't really celebrate my birthdays anyway. I think I usually celebrate it by going shopping and then eating at some fancy restaurant.
Haha.. I still remember my birthday last year.. My first birthday celebrated in America. Oh wait.. maybe it's my second one in America since I came to America August 2003... Anyways, I ate ramen noodles haha.. My family and I were supposed to come to Auburn to get my brother and go to Atlanta to eat some Chinese food. We ended up not going to Atlanta cuz... something about my brother haha.. Or maybe we went but did not eat Chinese food.. Something like that haha... So I guess this year wont be as bad as last year's haha... I hope haha...
If I had one wish
I was just listening to ''One Wish'' by Ray-J. The chorus of the song goes:
If I had one we would be best friends
Love will never end
It would just begin
If I had one wish you would be my boo
Promise to love you
Trust me I'll trust you
If I had one wish
We would run away
Making love all day
Have us a baby
If I had one wish
I'd make you my whole life
And you'd be my wife
Make it right this time
If i had one wish
The song sounded pretty good but I think that is kinda stupid. If I had one wish, I would NEVER ever wish to have a boyfriend or wish that the guy I like would like me or something like that. It's a stupid waste of a wish dont you think? Haha.. I guess some people would wish for money.. fame.. knowledge.. peace.. But me, I guess I'm a little weird but if I had one wish, I would wish that my mummy would be the happiest person in the world. Well, I think if I'm still like I was 3 years ago, I would wish to become the wealthiest person in the world. But.. I duno.. I guess my mummy is the most important person in the world to me. I feel happy when she smiles and I feel proud when she gives me compliments. My mummy is the reason why I'm still alive now and living like I should be. I guess it's a little like Naruto and Iruka sensei haha.. I miss my mummy and Kiska. Can't wait for Thanksgiving.

I think Jin's the best MC haha.. Well at least he's my favourite. Please go buy Jin's newest album, ''Presents the Emcee's Properganda''!! Gotta support Jin!! =D
I'm confused.
Ok.. So Jin's album, ''Presents the Emcee's Properganda'' is out.. Released Oct 25th.. I've been to every store that sells cds and none of them have it. Jin's official website still has ''The Rest is History'' as his latest album. All his songs can be found on limewire. I can buy the album in amazon. Bestbuy in Mobile, Al has it. DAMN!!! I want that album right now!!!
Anyways, Jin has a Documentary movie coming out. Click
here to download the trailer. It's ''coming soon''.
Oh oh..... Jin's ''official'' website is not his website anymore.. No wonder! He 'retired' from Ruff Ryders.. Click
here to go to Jin's website. He's THE EMCEE now.. I'm so glad he didn't stop rapping. Cool cool. Ima go check out that website now.
I have a Chemistry test tomorrow.... And I have not done 1 bit of studying! It's all my friend's fault. She told me we should study together so we're going to meet later at 7 to study. And I'm just leaving everything to later haha.. Guess I gotta stay up all night tonight to study!
Jin's latest album, "Presents The Emcee's Properganda", is out. It came out 10/25 BUT!!!! I went to Best Buy today to look for it.......... Couldn't find it and the salesperson said it wasn't here yet and it may come later at 3p.m.when I have class!! =( I cannot believe it man!! I was going to just download all the songs and I can cuz I found all of them on limewire (already) but I decided against it cuz I wana support my favourite rapper! And this happened to me.. I went to Walmart too but nothing. I was going to go to Hastings but it started raining. What the heck man!!! Yesterday was sooooooooooooooo beautiful! And today's all gloomy and stuff.
Happy Birthday Min. I'll be 17 in 16 days!!! Ain't that exciting??!!?
Oh ya.. Man I HATE SASUKE!!! Dammit! Why do the people I like always disappoint me? I think Naruto is sooooooooooooooooo much cooler than Sasuke now. I like Shikamaru. He's pretty cool too. Smart but lazy. Good combination.. But Kakashi's the BEST! =D