水曜日, 2月 22, 2006


My Indian neighbors are so fucking noisy. Can't sleep in peace for one night man. If i manage to sleep in peace they'll wake me up early in the morning. Fuck man. They are pretty nice.. well only 1 of them we talk to each other sometimes but man.. I duno how many fucking indians are living in that apartment man. See a different face everytime one comes out of there. I only recognize 1 face.

Anyways, my boss asked me today about getting my car and I said i duno if I'm still getting it cuz my parents are going back to Sg soon. Then I said that they'll continue to pay for my school fees. He asked "What about expenses?" and I said still duno about that. Maybe if I tell him that I need to pay for my own expenses.. he may let me earn a lil more $$. I'm so pissed. I never get what I want. I mean, I get what I want lots of times but I'm still pissed man. I duno. I'm just pissed. I just wana sleep. I've been studying non-stop for 4 days now cuz I have a stupid test everyday this week. Sucks man. I hate the stupid teachers. They like to put the test dates together everytime. Stupid stupid stupid! And I have to work so much and earn so little! I can't even get a car!!!! I wish I have lots of $$ man. Life would be so much easier. Hai.. So tired.

My parents are coming to Auburn this weekend and I asked my boss to let me start working Sats next week cuz of that and he asked "What has your parents coming here got to do with you working?" And I was like O.O. I just fucking told u that my parents are leaving here in June man. I can't believe he said that man. I thought he was a caring boss. But I guess bosses are all like that. They never care. They just act like they do. I hate bosses like I hate teachers like I hate white people like I hate black people like I hate being so fat like I hate everything.

I feel so stupid today. And shitty too. I feel so annoyed. Feel like killing someone. I know why I feel so shitty! Must be because of the email someone sent to me about stupid Japanese people eating grilled/Bbq-ed human fetuses. So fuckin gross man. What the hell is wrong with these people.

I just wish that someone would suddenly fall so deeply in love with me and gimme $15,000 for downpayment of my SI. I wish I could control people's minds.