日曜日, 3月 19, 2006

Edison chen is SO HOT

Just went to Edison's blog. Thanks Yuen for givin me that webbie.. Wana check it out? Look under "little linkies here and there". He doesn have many pictures of himself in there.. What a waste haha i hope he puts more pics of himself in there like Kaela. He's too good-looking! Gotta take more pics! His English usage is kinda weird too.. I had to read slow. Maybe I'm just stupid haha.. But.. I duno.. I love Edison. I love Johnny Depp the most though. He's the coolest. Edison is second hehe.. I saw Johnny Depp on a movie trailer while I was at the theatres... Liberator or something..? I'm not sure but I wana watch that movie. I cannot wait for Pirates of the Caribbean 2 to start showing man.. They said somewhere that it will be released Summer 2006.. So.. Soon! I hope.

Lots of stuff happened today at work. I had to wait for my friend to take me home cuz my bro was in Atlanta.. So I talked to the waiters/waitresses while they were eating. I realized that the guy working with me as host is earning TWICE as much as I earn (i do so much more than he does too). I was kinda pissed man. My colleagues told me that he used to work as waiter and boss asked him to work as host but he did not want to cuz of the low pay. Boss then struck a deal saying that he'll pay him a waiter's pay if he works as host so he took it. Man.. I want $$.. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!! Maybe I should wait till that guy leaves so I'll be the only host or hostess and tell boss I wana quit cuz so lil $$$ haha and ask for a pay raise haha... I duno.. I dun really wana lose my job too. Boss told me he'll eventually raise my pay. I just wonder when, or if he'll ever do it. And the hostess before this guy earned MORE than the waiters/waitresses do man!!!! What the hell man. And after talking to my colleagues today, I realized what an ass my boss actually is. And here I was thinking that he's a pretty cool boss. I duno.. He's.. I guess most people are like that. When u dun really know them u may think that they are pretty cool and when u get to know how they really are, they suck.

Anyways, a guy from work's going to ask me out soon. My waitress friend told me that haha.. She asked if I have a boyfriend and stuff. I guess I've been pretty close to this guy.. We talk a lot during work and one of the new waiters thought we were a couple haha.. He's really nice and stuff and I guess if I give him a chance he'll treat me really well haha (he's a lot better than the other guy who asked me out to lunch before).. Cuz today I was just kidding when I asked "u wana chip in for my car?" and he's like "ok". Haha.. I duno.. I just told the waitress that I guess we could go out as friends... I duno man... Hai.. Duno if I should get into a relationship right now. I'm going to be busy soon with Kiska here and stuff.. Plus I gotta work more to earn $$ to get a car.. Plus studying.. Plus I wana try to find a piano teacher here.. Even if I'm not busy, I duno if it'll be fair for him cuz.. I'm kinda... ... (better not say anything), and they say that if a woman has a pet with her, she'll love her pet more than her man haha... I dun wana be an ass and.. i duno.. I keep asking to have that someone.. This one's right in front of me.. but I duno if he's the right one.