木曜日, 7月 06, 2006

history sux

i seriously hate history. no matter how good the teacher is, i still feel soooooooooooo bored in class. no matter how hard i try to make myself at least a little bit interested, i fail. Studying for the test tomorrow? Terrible. Dont wana sound like a nerd, but my business classes are a lot more interesting (maybe cuz its new to me). i think (sorry for being a nerd!) that i like learning about business stuff. how everything works and stuff. economics is ok.. quite boring but history is just sooooooooooooo different!! i really dont care about what a person does 100 years ago or even 50 years ago man... so what if they made the world better i dont give a damn! i dun care why they have reforms and wars and revolutions and all that shit! i really dun care! haha... sorry i was studying for my history test tomorrow and i just felt like taking a break and complaining bout it haha.... i still remember Mr. Johns HAHA!! best history teacher in the world.. let me cheat in class hahahahaha...