水曜日, 7月 12, 2006

i miss my car already...........

Brought my car in yesterday and stupid insurance company wont gimme a car till today when the guy at the bodyshop told them that he has everything to start working on my car. so I got a Mazda 3. i guess it's an ok car. not good not terrible. kinda sucks actually.. it should be a pretty new car but has no power mirrors i was like wtf.. i miss my car already. i went to look at her today.. they took off her lip, sides, and bumper. they put the new lip in already and it looks pretty good. o ya gotta leave feedback for the guy i bought the body kit from.. ima choose her color tomorrow or maybe friday. i really hope that everything will look awesome when he's done with her. the stupid projector headlights that i bought won be shipped till next monday.. stupid lazy hoes..

gave kiska a shower today too and took her to petco to get her nails cut. i gave up trying to cut her stupid nails.. she keeps pulling her paw away.. so annoying! but she's a good friend. my best friend.

oh ya i wore the bikini i bought from singapore for the first time yesterday. thanks Chantal for helping me choose it! it is soo pretty (to me) and everyone told me its so cute haha.. but i think im kinda fat so it doesn really look that great. first time i wore a bikini. feels so weird. feels like im wearing a bra and underwear walking around, but that's wat a bikini is stupid me hahaha.. i swam butterfly too. i think it the first time for many people there to see a person swiming butterfly in a bikini cuz usually its one-piece. so glad my bikini didn fall off.

before i forget, i received the package today. Thanks Chantal for the CD! It is an awesome CD. Thanks Xinzi for the chocolates! they look awesome and ima eat one now! Im not sure who gave me the Kakashi maybe Ena.. so Thank you so much it is sooooo cute! i like it a lot! Thanks Ena Mummy Daddy for the Japanese stuff and the hello kitty shower cap!! it is sooooooooooooooooo cute!!!! hahaha.... i like everything soooooo much! Thank you thank you... ...