日曜日, 7月 09, 2006


I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest yesterday. I think that it was really good. everything's awesome except maybe the story could be a little better.. Special effects, actors.. everything else.. AWESOME!! Johnny Depp is the greatest!!! Anyways I dun wana talk too much about it so people can go watch it and find out themselves how awesome it is. I kinda like the 1st one better tho haha... : O

Anyways, I updated my 'wishlist'. i dont really know what a wishlist is but to me it sounds like a list u make and then just wish for the stuff to appear.. i guess. but i've planned to work hard to get everything on my 'wishlist'. being able to get that bmw would be a little difficult i guess but i'm going to work hard for it. i duno.. mayb i'll not get a bmw by that time.. 25 years old will be... 7 years.. i guess year 2012 or 2013.. i read somewhere that the ratings reliability of German cars are going down so.. i duno.. we'll see.. maybe i'll get a lexus or acura something like that instead.

my wishlist right now is kinda short cuz i dont really want anything except to get that internship next year and that car by the time im 25.. yea n the contact lenses and comfortable bed.. hope to get that assistantship thing to get into graduate school.. hopefully in a less boring place.. maybe california or something since that's where my internship is going to be if i get it.

I guess the only other thing that i want that i can think of now is.. well not thing.. person i guess. after all the shit that happened to me these few days living in this dangerous apartment complex (some of the shit that happen I cannot write here cuz I dont want people who care to worry), I really want a boyfriend. I want a boyfriend to protect me, stop people from taking advantage of me (of cuz he cannot try to take advantage of me too), and beat up/kill (or at least scare and stop) the people who do haha.. someone who will comfort me and let me stay at his place when something like that happens. of cuz, i'll try my best to be the best girlfriend that i can (sorry i cant cook but i'll try to learn).

it is kinda difficult for me to find someone i like tho.. he has to be tall. not thin not fat. little built, not too much cuz that'll be gross for me. speak english well and knows a second language too, if possible. knows what he wants. knows how to control me (cuz sometimes i get unruly haha). can cook (i'll try to learn how to cook too but until then..). knows how to control himself too. is ok with animals (must love KISKA). not dirty and untidy but not too tidy and clean either, i.e. knows how to clean up after himelf. communicates well with people. knows where he stands (doesn let people climb over his head all the time, and dun climb on over everyone's heads too). knows how to control his money. knows how to get his own money cuz i dont wan a 小白脸 haha. i think that should be it... oh.. doesn have to be a really really really good-looking guy but anything in my list that is not fulfilled should be made up with his looks hahaha..

too bad I cant find anyone I really like now (high expectations haha). and if i have a boyfriend, i think i'll spend a lot of my time with him = less time spent on studying = bad grades = difficult to get internship & difficult to get into graduate school. what to do? protect myself lo.. bring a knife with me everywhere i go lo.. try to move to a safer place lo.. kiska can protect me too. she did that a few times. what a wonderful friend. i should take her out for a walk now..