金曜日, 7月 14, 2006


had a test today.. got a 90.. can't believe i deproved.. hahahHA!! nerD!! hahhaha....

i am determined to be a girl that every guy wants in the future. smart, rich, know how to cook, etc.. so, i've been trying to cook again these few days. to learn, you gotta have experience. so i cooked some stirfry honey chicken the day before and it tasted pretty good. i was so happy i kept complimenting myself hAHa... stupid me. i cut chicken today and cut myself twice hahahAHAH!! the first time i was tryin to get the meat off the chicken bone in a very dangerous way and i was like "hmm.. this looks pretty dangerous" and slip! i cut myself! hahah i was kinda shocked but its wasnt that painful. not as painful as it looked. the blood wont stop coming out and i was annoyed so i tried to put some antiseptic cream on the wound and i got blood all over the cream it was gross. the second time it didn bleed just some skin. knives are so dangerous. im dangerous with a knife. can't believe i was carrying a knife with me while i go out at night the previous few days i could've killed someone hahaha..

i met up with my accounting teacher yesterday. she is so cute haha.. she is not young (i realized that when i was talking to her cuz she told me the age of when she started working and how long she worked and stuff) but she looks so young and cute. she has some children but she's so thin she doesn look like she has any children before. i admire her. how she is so friendly with everyone and how she's so successful. she said im kinda like how she was when she was young. so hopefully i'll become successful in the future as well. we talked for soo long about everything and i asked her sooo many questions haha.. and she told me i was smart for asking those questions and thinking about stuff like that. i was like haha me smart?

anyways, im going to try my best to get thinner cuz my tummy is getting unruly and try my best to learn how to cook and try my best to get good grades and try my best to plan for my future.

i have also given my boss my 2-weeks notice and i'm going to start working at another restaurant sstarting august where i'm going to be a waitress and im going to tell everyone im 23 cuz i hate it when people know that im 17 (not supposed to work past certain time, cant carry beer etc.) and i'm going to start saving up for my bmw. im also going to choose the color for my car in 1/2 an hour. wish me luck!