火曜日, 8月 08, 2006

today is nostalgic day

I am moving out of this shitty apartment this week! so happy. however, i will not get my car until friday this week so i guess i'm kinda handicapped. i walked to downtown and to school to get some stuff done and im tired so i decided to take a rest

while listening to music and resting, i suddenly felt like playing my flute. i haven played my flute for so long.. mum and dad would be really disappointed to hear this cuz it is an expensive flute. it's Gemeinhardt and is soooo pretty. even though it's so expensive, i never regretted buying it.

anyways, i played along with our competition music "on the village green" by Carl Strommen and i realized that i have deproved a lot a lot. i got rid of the score a long time ago (regretted it) but i still remembered most of the music. and i just feel kinda sad. really really want to go back to the days when i played along with the whole band. i miss Mr. Tan. really hope he's doing well. and i deproved so much man. i have gotten so much slower and my sound really isn't as good as it was before. I remember when I always aimed to be the best. when practising, I always practise more than my other section mates (secretly). I didnt want anyone to surpass me. aimed for all the solos, etc. but I lost that when I came over to the USA. no one to give me the urge to improve myself.

ahhhh today is really nostalgic day!! i suddenly thought of tampines sec and i realized that i missed that life soo much. the life when i had so many friends and when my good friends were always there for me. when i also tried my best to be there for my friends during all those breakups, quarrels.. we ALWAYS stood up for each other. and then i kinda miss high school in mobile too when i was surrounded by white people everyday trying to convert me into a christian hahha... i had some good friends too.. those pep rally days and boring chapel days hahaha... and i also kinda miss the days when I spent nearly everyday eating common's terrible food. when i did not really know anyone except the Japanese group there. i miss Maiko and Tomo and everyone else.. the days when I still drank hahaha... also miss the days when we hung out as a big group..

i feel kinda lonely now cuz my friends are not around these few days.. that's prolly why im thinking so much. but i really really miss those days and i guess all i can do now is cherish the days i have now so i wont feel sad in the future for taking these days for granted. i have finally found some girlfriends that i can talk with and drink coffee, play tennis and swim with. i will not take them for granted. i hope we can remain close friends for a long time like my family in Sg.