火曜日, 11月 14, 2006

just 2 more to go!

hai! 2 more tests to go and I am free! for thanksgiving! finally.. i've been studying and working and all that for so long. really really need a break. i had to wake up at 6:45 today cuz i had a stupid econ test at 8.... im so tired now. i've been studying ever since i got home, but of cuz.. my studying time consists of eating.. walking around.. playing with kiska.. giving kiska her dinner.. lookin for someone to chat with.. lookin around for things to get for my car and house.. clean a little bit.. taking kiska out for a walk.. staring at the wall.. etc etc. but im still so tired. im almost done for my studying for tomorrow's test. But after that i got study for thursday's test. yup I am SO hardworking.

I have a song by Christina Milian in my itunes for a long time but i never really listened closely to the lyrics till today (yes part of my study time). there's this line that says "Sometimes the things that don't seem right / Leads to the best thing of a life". And I kinda agree with that too. Cuz it says 'sometimes'. And those 'sometimes' can range from eating chocolate to skipping school to go to the mall to loving someone ur not supposed to. Well, i guess maybe not the 'best thing of a life' but sometimes it's just.. if you try to do everything that seems right to the society for your whole life, you really cant feel really happy. I get happy when I skipped school to hang out with my friends, and that doesn't really seem like the right thing to do. To me, i kinda feel that having occasional happiness is a lot better than waiting for that forever happiness that will (to me) never come. And I'm really thankful for those occasional happiness cuz they make my life just a little more exciting.

anyways, ah ma!!!!!!!!! i'm so glad you visited cuz i couldn find your email too!! mine's okriskao@hotmail.com.. please email me!!! i miss you sooooooooo much! can't wait to see you when i go back to sg!!