木曜日, 2月 23, 2006

Man none of the stupid indians are nice. Stupid assholes. They should all go to hell.

水曜日, 2月 22, 2006


My Indian neighbors are so fucking noisy. Can't sleep in peace for one night man. If i manage to sleep in peace they'll wake me up early in the morning. Fuck man. They are pretty nice.. well only 1 of them we talk to each other sometimes but man.. I duno how many fucking indians are living in that apartment man. See a different face everytime one comes out of there. I only recognize 1 face.

Anyways, my boss asked me today about getting my car and I said i duno if I'm still getting it cuz my parents are going back to Sg soon. Then I said that they'll continue to pay for my school fees. He asked "What about expenses?" and I said still duno about that. Maybe if I tell him that I need to pay for my own expenses.. he may let me earn a lil more $$. I'm so pissed. I never get what I want. I mean, I get what I want lots of times but I'm still pissed man. I duno. I'm just pissed. I just wana sleep. I've been studying non-stop for 4 days now cuz I have a stupid test everyday this week. Sucks man. I hate the stupid teachers. They like to put the test dates together everytime. Stupid stupid stupid! And I have to work so much and earn so little! I can't even get a car!!!! I wish I have lots of $$ man. Life would be so much easier. Hai.. So tired.

My parents are coming to Auburn this weekend and I asked my boss to let me start working Sats next week cuz of that and he asked "What has your parents coming here got to do with you working?" And I was like O.O. I just fucking told u that my parents are leaving here in June man. I can't believe he said that man. I thought he was a caring boss. But I guess bosses are all like that. They never care. They just act like they do. I hate bosses like I hate teachers like I hate white people like I hate black people like I hate being so fat like I hate everything.

I feel so stupid today. And shitty too. I feel so annoyed. Feel like killing someone. I know why I feel so shitty! Must be because of the email someone sent to me about stupid Japanese people eating grilled/Bbq-ed human fetuses. So fuckin gross man. What the hell is wrong with these people.

I just wish that someone would suddenly fall so deeply in love with me and gimme $15,000 for downpayment of my SI. I wish I could control people's minds.

日曜日, 2月 19, 2006


There are so many things I want now that I can't get but I guess that's life. Sometimes I just wish that I am rich. I would be able to get anything I want, at least most of them. I still remember when I was in Pri 5 I think, I wanted some hamsters really really bad. I started reading a lot about them.. borrowing books to learn about them. Visiting pet shops to look at the different kinds of foods and stuff. Then, money. I never have enough money man haha.. N guess what I did, I went around to everyone I know and asked them to donate some money so that I can get a pet haha.. I guess that sounded too stupid for anyone to understand so I received enough money n I got them haha.. So I guess this is something that lets me know that if I want something, I'll go to any extent to get it and I usually get it haha..

But things aren't that easy anymore. The things I want now, they are either too expensive for me to ask for donations or they are priceless. One of the most important thing that I want now is for my mom to not go back to Singapore. Yup, it's confirmed. My mommy, daddy, and lil bro are going back in June. I really dont want that day to come. I duno how swollen my eyes are going to be. I'm going to be all alone (well with my bro) halfway across the world from them. And I guess no matter how much money I have, I wun be able to get them to stay here.. unless I have enough to allow my dad to not have to work anymore. But it's good for them to go bac too in a way.. Mommy doesn't really like it here and I understand. There are really some disgusting white and black people here. Even some of the asians suck back in Mobile and I dun mean u Violet. Just someone else. Plus I hate my dad's stupid motherfucking company here. Makes me pissed everytime I think about it. They might not be the worst company in the world but they suck. A bunch of sissies tryin to act like they're so smart and great. And I kinda dislike my high school too. Gotta stick it to the man everyday I go to school and I still haven received my stupid high school diploma yet. Stupid big man. Wana kick him in the nuts. So it's better for my lil bro to go bac to Sg to a better school.

Anyways, the other thing that I want... ... The Honda Civic SI.
Anyone wana donate some $$??

日曜日, 2月 05, 2006

Long time no update!

Haha.. I've been so busy keke.. STUDYING ok. I had a chemistry test on 1/31 and a history test the next day. So I was really really studyin really really hard.

And all that studying paid off!! Hehe.. I got a 99 for my Chemistry test and the teacher sent an email to the class saying she's takin a question out n giving us that 2 points and that's one of the questions i got wrong so.... I guess I got 101... plus the 5 bonus point question we did on Thursday... Haha... I'm so happy man! I'm just kinda worried about history. My teacher told the class that all we had to do was read and understand so I read and understand. I didn't memorize all the names and stuff (stooopid mi..) so.. during the test I was so frustrated cuz I know what they are talking about but I couldn' remember the names for fill in the blank questions! I was so pissed.. I'm going to get that test back tomorrow. uh Monday.

After my tests, I took a break. A really long one.. from Wednesday till today. I didn study at all haha.. I rented 'Prince of Persia: Sands of Time' for the Gamecube cuz my lil bro left his Gamecube here.. It was really fun. I had to play it all day cuz I could only rent it for lke 4 days. Yea... So to save time I used the guide a lot haha..

Oh ya.. Chinese New Year's Day was AWESOME. My parents came, my lil bro came, my baby Kiska came.. I LOVE KISKA SO MUCH! We had steamboat.. I helped my mama prepare a lil.. I love having my family around. They make me so happy.

Then.. I worked too.. Yea.. I was gettin kinda pissed yesterday cuz there's this guy who's so efficient he kinda stole my job so.. I didn't really get to do anything but I dun wana seem like I'm not doin anything.. I duno.. I guess it's good to have someone do my job for me with me still getting paid.. I duno. Time kinda passes faster when ur working instead of standing around..

n.. Oh ya.. Valentine's Day is coming soon. Fuck Valentine's Day man.. Haha.. I'm just kidding. I used to like Valentine's day.. when I had a boyfriend or had people that wana be my boyfriend.. Well.. I guess I have people here that wana be my boyfriend but.. Pfft. Haha..

I'm so tired.