日曜日, 1月 29, 2006

Happy Chinese New Year!

水曜日, 1月 18, 2006

My Brother

After thinking about it for a while, I've realized that my brother is actually an awesome brother. The one and only thing that I don't like about him is his untidiness, but he's trying to get rid of that bad habit, which is good. Cuz, he's really a great guy. He's smart, funny, friendly, a little racist but who cares about that man.. Everyone's racist.. If he gets thinner like he was before, I think he would be any girl's dream guy (except me cuz I'm his sister). He's not only all that, when it comes to boy-girl relationships, I think he's really a romantic guy (if you know just a little bit of how he treated and treasured his ex, you'll think so too). And he has good fashion sense too. When I returned to Sg Summer 2004, I had him help me choose shoes and stuff like that.

And of cuz, the great big scratch I got on his car. It was really really really really really bad. I'll take a picture and post it up. Really bad. And he's not angry, he just wished it didn't happen (according to his blog and how he acted when I told him about it). To say the truth, if I were him, I would be like ''fuck you Kristy! Don't talk to me anymore and gimme money to fix that stupid scratch and clean my room and cook for me till i graduate!"

I think that I'm such a terrible sister. I really hope that I'll be able to make it up to him. I've been rude to him quite a few times, actually a lot, sometimes I get really pissed when he was late in picking me up after work.

To say the truth, I think that I'm such a terrible person. I hurt so many people, and I keep blaming people when life begins to suck. I wana say sorry to LONEDEATH (if you ever come visit here), I was really rude and I was just.. I duno.. I wasn't in a good mood. You're my friend, and I treasure you. I'm so sorry. I think I kinda ruined your day, so I'm kinda glad that it was night in Sg and maybe you'll feel better in the morning. I promise to meet up wit you when I return to Sg again.

Sometimes, I just think that I don't deserve to be anybody's friend. I'm lazy. Sometimes I make excuses cuz I'm too lazy to go out with them. I'm really selfish. I have to get what I want, or i'll be pissed, and then evil thoughts will come to my mind. That happened quite a few times recently, and I really wana stop that. I really wana be a good person. I really hope that I can change, make it up to everyone. I wana apologise to everyone whom I've hurt before. I am really sorry. I guess the person I hurt the most in my life is my mom, and I'm trying hard to make it up. And the friend I hurt most in my life is Chantal, and she's kinda like my best friend now. Well, I duno if she considers me as her best friend, but I consider her as mine.. And I really hope to be able to make it up to her as well.

Well, I think I should stop being in this terrible mood. I'm going to try to make myself happy by making up to everyone I've hurt before. I'm going to stop myself from feeling ugly.

月曜日, 1月 16, 2006

Happy Birthday ENA!

Today's my little bro's 12th birthday. Happy Birthday little boy..

12 years old. Primary six. First boyfriend. Whaha... It's that ahole who changed me man. That guy who made me start ''falling in love''. Before him, I didn't think about love at all. Never thought about having boyfriends. Never thought about anything except.. Damn gotta go to school.. Get bullied.. Go home, eat.. Sleep.. except I didn't use 'damn' at that time. I didn't know any vulgar language.

I'm 17 now. Kinda feeling nostalgic. I wana go back to when I was like 13 years old. Oh yea.. 2001 to 2003, Best years ever, most changes too I guess haha... Hai.. Now that I'm away from Singapore for so long, everything changed so much. People, places, prices, food kinda changed a bit too. And of cuz, I changed too. Gained so much weight.

I still remember when I first came to USA. I spoke little or no English. Didn't really talk much at all in high school. I couldn't speak English man.. I could only write English so I was really happy when my friends wrote letters to me in school. I didn't have much to say to those people anyways. In my whole high school, there were only 2 asians. It sucked a lot.

Anyways, sometimes I regret very much for coming to the USA. But then again, I'm glad I got here. I gained a lot by coming here. Lots of opportunities and stuff like that I guess.. Met different kinds of friends.. Experienced lots of different stuff too. Oh ya and of cuz, weight too.. I really wonder how life would be like if I stayed in Sg.

Life's really difficult sometimes. I duno if I would have been able to survive if my mommy wasn't there for me for so many times. I'm kinda worried about the future too. I duno if I can survive on my own with mommy all the way on the other side of the globe. I guess for right now, life's really not on my side. I wake up everyday hoping to make the most out of each day but sometimes.. I duno.. It's just difficult. Just these feelings. I think life would be better and easier for me if I don't have them.

For now, I only know of 2 situations that I will be truly happy in. Number 1 is whenever my family's (including my baby girl Kiska) around me and we're eating a meal or something with all of us talking and laughing and just enjoying each other's company. Number 2... is private.

I really can't wait for Chinese New Year's Day.

火曜日, 1月 10, 2006


Went to a few classes yesterday.. It was pretty good. I got an ok teacher for math.. Got a pretty cool teacher for English.. She kinda dresses like how the woman who liked GTO in the last episode where he left or something. I got a really funny teacher for history, which is really good cuz I still remember the history class I took in summer. HAha.. It's kinda funny.. I tried soooo hard to stay awake in that class haha... Still have to pai ma pi to get an A in that class.. Haha..

Anyways, I found out where Shop Building 1 is haha.. It is sooooooooooooooo close to my place. Well it's the closest compared to all the other buildings that I have to go to. But the stupid GTA said he can't add me to the class. Said I have to sign up at the waiting list... STOOpid. Waste my time walking there.. Gotta go to Chemistry later.. And hope the teacher would add me to that Chemistry lab class and really really really really REALLY hope that that great big black guy wont be in that class. I don't mind having that tall skinny one who's really fun to be with.

I miss the food in Singapore already.. And I miss Kiska sooooo much.. I really cannot wait for Chinese New Year's day. I hope she remembers me cuz that day when I was talking to my lil bro online with the microphone, she ran out of the house when I shouted Kiska. ='( Maybe she thought I was outside haha.. I'm drinking MILO right now and it reminds me of Singapore haha.. Milo peng!!

日曜日, 1月 08, 2006

School starts tomorrow!

Yay! I'm so excited! I'm going to study again! I'm going to study REAL hard this semester and make even teachers like my previous stupid english teacher like me. I'm going to pull up my GPA.

I'm kinda worried. My GPA dropped from 4.0 to 3.2 last semester and I'm definitely not pleased with myself. So I'm going to work extra hard this semester. I've got to pull it up to at least 3.5....... And I still dono where Shop Building I is........ I wish I'm still at high school haha.. Everything's sooooooooooooo much easier! And I get to see Kiska everyday.

I miss Kiska so much. Very very very very very much. I can't wait for Chinese New Year cuz my parents are going to come here and bring Kiska here too.. Just 3 weeks! Kiska I miss you!!

火曜日, 1月 03, 2006

People who made my trip an awesome one!

Haha.. Since Someone wants his name mentioned, I'll mention everyone who made my trip an awesome one!

Number 1 would be my dearest DANNIS kor! HAha... Can you believe that he actually spent like $150 just to treat me to dinner??? Not only that, he listened to all my troubles and everything (and bought me lots of stuff too even tho im like no no! I dont want them! Haha..). Cant find another kor like him man.............. Thanks kor! You're the best!! Sinchien kor is another person that made my trip awesome! So caring and stuff.. And he's always there when Dannis is there.. I feel so terrible that I didn bring anything back from America for you two.... =(

Number 2 would be my family. Well.. I guess they should be first but its ok.. Dannis will remain first haha... I really have to thank my aunt and uncle for letting my whole family stay at their place.. We must be so much trouble (esp me cuz I always reach home late)! Thanks for treating us to dinner and bringing us around to eat the best food in Singapore!! And of cuz my cuzzins too... They are the best cuzzins ever! We never grew apart even after so long! Lili yi's family's the second best! Well.. yall are the best at my mom's side! Thanks so much for the chalet! It was so fun!! And thanks for all the clothes Lili yi! Now I can wear different stuff to work haaha..

Number 3 would be my family again! Chantal, Xinzi, Emily, Sherlyn, Candy, and Ivy.. I'm so sorry I didn get to meet Ivy.. But thanks everyone for bringing me to the best places to shop! Yall are the best!! I think I would have spent like 5000 if yall didn bring me around! Too bad I could ony stay for less than 2 weeks. I miss all of you so much already..

Number 4 would be Valerie and Jeannie. I feel so sad we only got to meet so little times! But it's ok! I'll be back! That day at Seoul Garden was the best! It was so fun! The wobbly jelly wasn't that funny anymore.. maybe cuz the heat's not high enough or something but we definitely had fun! Send me the pics yall took so I can print them out please! =)

Number 5 would be the food in Singapore haha... Well.. um.. they are not people but I miss them a lot a lot already haha.. Chicken Rice was SOOOOO GOOD!! And all the other stuff too haha.. Hai.. I wana go return to Singapore again soon!!!

月曜日, 1月 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

Sorry to be a day late haha.. just got back to auburn.. Singapore was GREAT! I've never had so much fun eating and shopping and hanging out! I didn wana leave!! Too bad we have to do something called studying..

Anyways, I wana thank everyone for making it such an enjoyable trip. Especially to my aunt and uncle for letting my whole family stay at their place for nearly 2 weeks. Thanks to everyone who took time off their busy schedules just to be with me!! Haha...

For those who were too busy to meet up... ahem.. jason.. haha... its ok i'll be back. Just dun forget me k!

Sooooo tired!