金曜日, 5月 27, 2005

The first week of school in Auburn

This past week was great. I had fun, made friends, explored the school... yeah.. And met a really nice guy.. Hehe..

Psychology is not really that fun after all. The lecture was fun that day but uh.. I took a quiz yesterday and it was NOT fun.

Anyways, I've met lots of Japs this week. My favourite of all the females is Mariko. She is the first Jap girl I talked to there. My favourite of all the males is E Pei, the one with golden hair I talked about. I don't really know how to spell his name but, I will in a few days. He's really nice and he likes swimming too!! Hehe.. He kinda reminded me of Boon Loong, except cuter, and WAY NICER. By the way, my good friends group I'm sorry I've never told you this but I liked Boon Loong for a while Sec 2 I think.. hehe.. Anyway, I asked E Pei directions for the swimming pool in Auburn yesterday during lunch and he took a few pieces of tissue and drew out the map fer me. He's sooooo cute!! Hehe.. I still have that map in my room. Keke..

I just got my cellphone too. I also realised that I've given everyone the wrong number!!! =( Gotta go correct them when I return to my dorm..

Oh ya.. Mariko lent me some of her Jap CDs. It's really cool. Hanging out with them has made it easier for me to learn Jap. They're all really nice and helped me out when I got stuff wrong. We just kinda like, uh.. I helped them with English and they helped me with Jap. It's really cool. Now that I got my cellphone, it will be easier for them to contact me and I'll be able to hang out with the even more often! Can't wait to see E Pei again. =D

I have had much fun this week. It's really cool. Oh ya.. And my bro got that Mitsubishi.. Haha.. I'm having fun...

火曜日, 5月 24, 2005

2nd day of school.. is gReAt!

Haha.. I'm happy. I thought I wasn't going to make any friends at all but hey I'm nice! Keke.. I met a Taiwanese woman today when I was having breakfast. She was really nice. Told me all about Auburn, the buses and stuff, and even offered to bring me to wal-mart if I needed to! She is a really nice lady. Her husband's here for some research thingy. It's cool

And then, I had my first lecture today in Psychology. It's not bad at all! In fact, I had fun! The professor wasn't like those on tv and stuff. He is an interesting guy. HAha.. But, I'm going to skip school tomorrow cuz I don't have my textbook yet. I would be doing nothing if I go anyways.

When getting my lunch, I was like.. oh no.. There're some Japs there.. It's going to be awkward. But, I had fun. They were all smiling at me so I asked if I could go sit with them and they said yeah. I told them I'm from Singapore and stuff and they were really nice. Talked to them alot. It was a little awkward at first cuz they are learning English like I'm learning Japanese but it got better. I brought my Japanese learning book down and they were like.. wow.. and they taught me stuff not in the book! I practised my Japanese with them and it was really cool.. haha.. The guys were alright. I met one with golden hair. Haha.. but he's really cool and cute too. And he swims. I'm going to get him to bring me swimming one day.. It's kinda hard to remember their names though but after 3 hours of sitting there and chatting with them, I managed to get their names in my head. Haha.. Knowing these few Japs equals knowing more cuz everytime another Jap comes, they'll introduce him or her to me. It's fun. We talked about Crayon SinShan, Spirited away, and other movies too. The first girl I got to know was Mariko. She told me to go to her room if I wanna watch some Jap dvds. It was cool. They're all really really nice.

Haven't seen them after I left though. Hope to see them tomorrow again cuz I really need someone to talk to. Can't spend a whole day alone. I'll have hallucinations. Haha.. Gotta go get my textbook tomorrow. Yeah! ready fer another day!

月曜日, 5月 23, 2005

First Day of School.. In a College

Whew! I'm finally back from school and am really really tired. It's not because I studied really hard, it's cuz I have to walk AROUND the WHOLE SCHOOL to find places to set up my Auburn email address and stuff. And my brother's car is parked in my dorm's carpark area for the whole time. -.-

Anyway, I've only got 2 classes this semester, which would be really easy for me. The class I went to just now was psychology. Everyone was like looking at me. It's kinda funny. I think it's cuz I look 16, which I am, and I'm like the only asian in that class. And I'm wearing a hang ten Singapore shirt. Haha.. I thought that there would be more asians in this school but.. Hm.. I see them only here in my dorm, and occassionally while I was hustling around the school. My professor in Psychology seems really really cool. He's an old guy, and has been teaching here since 1982. Wow.. hmm.. And attendance in class is not required but strongly encouraged. Haha.. I'm going to like finish all my quizes early and not go to school the last few weeks.. HEhe.. He said we could do that. Work hard and party later. Oh ya, and that class was supposed to be from 11:30am to 1pm. We got out today at 12pm. COOL HUH!!! I'm beginning to like this place man..

My bro and I went to eat Thai food yesterday, and it was good. But that's not the important part. The important part is that on the way there, we saw, well he saw it first, a 1997 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder selling for only $7,950. We're going to that store later to bargain it down and stuff.. Hehe.. exciting. If he gets that car, I will get to drive it when he goes to his internship after the first mini semester.

It's kinda quiet around here.. I don't see many people hanging around.. So I would definitely not able to fulfill my dream of getting a Jap guy haha... But it's ok. I'm having fun and I'm happy. So... I'll update again soon!

日曜日, 5月 22, 2005


Hmm.. How do I start? I have to say. This past week has been the most.. I duno.. It feels weird.

I've been looking forward to this since.. I came here? And yup. I'm living in Auburn now. In my own little dorm. No roommate. And the watching of my mom and dad (and little bro) walk back to the car to drive home thingy? Done that. As usual, I cried. But, not much cuz I'm in my bro's apartment rite now. I miss my mom and dad already, but not my little bro.. Dang I'm getting all teary-eyed again. I miss Kiska too.. Turned on Discovery just now and saw a thing about wolves and I got all teary-eyed too. Fortunately, I have a pic of her in my dorm.

Anyways, I had been really busy the past week. I took all my exams ahead of everyone, bought a laptop (my dad paid), signed up a line with my bro, and packed all my stuff. My cell's supposed to get to my house last Thursday but it never did. So, my family's going to drive up here again next week to give it to me. I gave my number to a few of my friends in the high school, Matthew too.. But I hope he'll try to call next week. Stupid postage people.... I miss talking to Matthew.

Everything seems to be going pretty well here. I've met a few of my bro's friends. They're cool. Saw lots of Japs where I'm living. Hope to get to know them and brush up on my Japanese. I'm starting school tomorrow. I don't know how I feel right now. I'm supposed to be excited but.. I don't really want to be just in case I get disappointed with the school I won'y feel as bad. I'll try to get a job and stuff.. ya.. I'll be fine....

Top 4 things/people I'm already missing:
1) My Mom and Dad and Kiska
2) My mom's cooking
3) Matthew
4) My friends
I can't think of number 5 so I changed to 4.

Oh ya.. yesterday night people kept knocking at my door. It was kinda scary. I thought they were just a bunch of drunk people making a fool of themselves. Then, in the morning, I realised that I left my keys in the keyhole. This lets me know that it should be quite safe where I'm living. The people were just trying to tell me how stupid and careless I was to leave my keys out like that. Lol.. and my mom was like I'm going to get your brother to come live here with you and stuff.. But she's cool now. I miss her though.. alot.

Alrite.. That's all I can think of now. And I kinda left lots of stuff at home.. like shorts.. and other necessities that I don't think I should write down.. So I gotta sleep in jeans. Cool huh..

I kinda like it here.. Feeling the freedom coming... Yeah... I don't feel as great as I thought I would be though.. But I have a good feeling bout this 4 years that I'm going to spend here. =D

土曜日, 5月 07, 2005

Had my piano recital today!

Yup! And I didn't stop or cry or scream or anything embarrassing! Well.. I kinda did do something embarrassing.. I played the 2nd last chord of my song wrong and I kinda squeaked. Haha.. I had no idea how I did that. It sounded like a mouse you know and it's funny. But everything else went well, fortunately.

I borrowed 3 DVDs today! It was fun. I got Finding Neverland, Spongebob Squarepants Movie, and Princess Mononoke. Just watched Spongebob just now and it was great. It is a really really good movie. Watch it when you're sad. It'll definitely cheer you up. Haha...

2 more weeks of school.... =D

金曜日, 5月 06, 2005

About Katie Leung (Cho Chang)

I was just kidding yesterday. I am NOT jealous of her. If I were her, I would rather be anonymous than be hated by people all over the world.

It is kinda sad. I mean.. Yeah a person can be jealous like me.. But not to the point to hate her like seriously hate her.. Haha.. It's funny..

Anyways, today's Friday. 10 more days of school before I fly. Yeah far far away from school.. I don't really like this school.

Tomorrow's piano recital. This year, I AM NOT going to make ANY mistakes. Yup. I've learnt to be confident.

I love Daniel Radcliffe's accent.. Hehe...

木曜日, 5月 05, 2005

Cho Chang

If my dad was to be posted to Britain instead of America, I would really have tried out for this.. Lol.. Serious.. I would be the happiest girl in the world man.. Even if I don't get it... Haha..

May 9 2004
By Euan Stretch

THIS is the schoolgirl set for movie stardom - as Harry Potter's first girlfriend.
Katie Leung, 16, has scooped the prized role of Cho Chang, the Chinese girl who wins the heart of the boy wizard.
And the youngster gets to kiss Harry - played by 15-year-old Daniel Radcliffe - when Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire starts filming later this year.
Last night a movie insider said: "Harry develops a crush on Cho in the Goblet of Fire. It is fair to say that she becomes his first- ever girlfriend, so it's an important part.
"The film producers and author J. K. Rowling were keen to get a complete unknown for the part of Cho Chang and Katie's absolutely perfect. She's pretty, bright and one can see why Harry would have a crush on her. She has a glittering career ahead of her."
Katie beat more than 4,000 Oriental-looking girls, including former Neighbours star Michelle Ang, to the part at an audition in February.
In the books Harry becomes smitten with Cho Chang although she is going out with housemate Cederic Diggory at Hogwart's school. After Cederic's death, the couple go on a number of dates in the wizard's village of Hogsmeade.
But Cho's continuing grief over Cederic, her jealousy over Harry's friendship with Hermione Granger and his inexperience in love seem to scupper the relationship.
Katie lives with father Peter, two brothers and a younger sister in a £400,000 house in an exclusive district of Motherwell, near Glasgow.
Her father was born in Hong Kong in 1962 and has lived and worked in Britain for over 20 years.
When he married Katie's mother Kar Wai Li, 38, in Edinburgh in 1986 - the couple are now separated - he was running a Chinese take-away in Inverkeithing, Fife. He built up his business interests and is now a millionaire with a successful restaurant in Glasgow city centre and a thriving Chinese food wholesale business.
Katie currently goes to one of Scotland's most prestigious private schools, a £5,000-a-year college where she is taking her exams.

Damn rich girl... sobz.. I'm sooooo soooooo jealous.. 4,000!


I hereby declare to all white people aged 57 or above living in Mobile, Alabama:

I HATE YOU!!!!!!
And to those who whether deliberately or not made my mom agitated, be afraid. I could be the one to move your phone to the room at the end of the corridor when you fall. I'm serious.
Anyway, some stupid old lady made my mom really mad today, and I didn't appreciate it. Hate it when my mom's angry. Makes me angry too! >:(
And then I read today in my shoutbox someone saying my friends in Singapore had a great fight and are not talking to each other anymore.. sobz.. That's the worst news ain't it..

火曜日, 5月 03, 2005

I cried for nothing last Friday

Haha.. It's funny and I'm happy. Matt talked to me yesterday. And I thought that he'll never ever talk to me again. I really thought he would never talk to me again. Haha.. its funny. I'm happy and tired. Haha.. I've been tired since prom.. Lol.. But its good.. I hope that there are proms in universities too..

Oh ya.. After that makeover session, I kinda feel less overwhelmed by makeup now. I'm learning and doing good. Hehe.. Dang my Finding Neverland cd's not here yet it's not even funny.. =D

日曜日, 5月 01, 2005

Prom is FUN!! =D Well it kinda is..

Spent the whole day preparing man.. Started preparing at about 1.

I bathed at 1, after ggetting my hair all gelled up by my mom.. haha.. She's good at stuff like that. I just forgot to tell her that it was only a practise. Haha.. Left my house at about 1:45. We reached the mall at bout 2 and walked around to get stuff. I got a thing kinda like a scarf just in case I get cold. At about 4:30, I walked to Dillards and to Lancome for my makeover. Haha.. Yeah.. I got an appointment with her. MAN was I surprised with the results! It's like.. another person! I was really excited but had no time to be! We then rushed to Violet's date's house so that her mom can do my hair. I bought that Nu-Bra, spent 10 mins trying to get it on in vain. It was funny. Anyway, I got into my dress, got my hair done, took a pic, and left.

I'm not going to say anything about Violet's parents haha... They're just a little worried about their daughter. Anyway.. Prom itself was boring. Looking at the seniors walk around, their pictures, listened to their stuff. I got lots of compliments though. Haha but I didn't manage to get too many pics. Got like 3. Haha.. My principal came over to my table just to tell me I looked beautiful. Haha.. That is one thing I MUST brag about. It's not everyday a person gets that.

The After Party is the one that's fun! But too bad my ride doesn't really know where Mobile Country Club is so we got there a little late. When we got there I was like.. alright.. I just wasted my ten dollar entrance fee. Well, that was what I thought until Mary came over and pulled me to the dance floor. I was like Mary I don't know how to dance! But she's like Ok, go back and sit down then. And I gave her the look. I'm not going to waste my $10! So I danced too. It feels weird in the beginning but its fun. Then came the slow songs. I dun have anyone to dance with.. :,( So I went to get drinks ha..

I'm kinda glad that Matthew's not there cuz I really wouldn't want him to see me dancing like that. I wouldn't want my mom to. But its fun and its like once in a lifetime.. Before I get to Auburn.. Haha.. I even got pulled to middle of the dance floor and someone shouted "Oriental!!" Lol.. its funny. Can't blame me for having real fun. The teacher's weren't in the room. But I wasn't not the worst ok... Some of the couples danced like they were having sex. Lol.. Too bad the drinks weren't spiked.

Of course, there are always ways to ruin my fun. Slow songs again and then Violet and her date wanted to go home. Cuz they were tired. And there's church service tomorrow. For them.

Tomorrow's school again and I gotta climb back into my shell. At least till I leave CHCA.