MATH TEST...!...
=( I did badly today in my test.... I'm so ashamed and embarrassed man.. I've disgraced my fellow asians. Why am I so dumb....? I guess I'm never really a smart girl haha............................................... Hai but no use cryin over spilt milk. Is it spilt or spilled? I think it's spilled.. Or is it spilt. See. I'm not really smart at all. To think that I was getting angry over the Koreans not being able to speak English. *raspberry* What bullshit..
Aren't asians supposed to be good at math???? What's wrong wit me? I'm pure asian man. I'm CHINESE.... But wth... I guess it's just that I didn't really keep up with my work at all. So, from today on, I'm going to do homework when I get home from school. But I wanna watch Naruto............................................................................ I'm only at episode 28.. osoi...... Even Kyna's at episode 35 now....................................................................... I'm so tired. But I wana watch NAruto................................................................. Class from 8 till 2 tomorrow.. Then gotta go to the medical clinic.... Then work... BORING. BORING BORING. I wana watch NARUTO....
My closet door decided not to open today. I'm glad I did my laundry or I wouldn't be able to take a bath until someone comes to fix that shit. Stupid bullshit people. I called my landlady (I guess) today and she says she'll send someone here today and that asked if she can use her key to come in and fix it if I'm not home. I said yea. But hey that stupid knob's still broken! =D I gotta sleep with 3 piles of clothes on my bed today!
Man I'm so tired. To say the truth.. I'm kinda hating college. Well.. I'm kinda hating everything right now. I'm worried that my boss might fire me cuz I'm really a terrible worker. Even I don't think I deserve that much pay. The first time I packed someone's to go order, I forgot to put in the sweet and sour sauce for the chicken and it was standing right in front of me while I was packing. I hate school. I hate it when people sit beside me and make me feel awkward cuz they dont wana talk to me but I dont really feel like talkin to them either so I keep my mouth shut the whole time too. This equals? Not knowing many people. Equals? Not many friends. But to say the truth I don't think I give a damn man. I spent enough time on my friends I already have... I guess. Iono.. I hate classes. They are pretty annoying and troublesome and sometimes even difficult. I hate my apartment. I try to keep it clean all the time but my brother just manages to get it dirty somehow. Guess he's busy wit other stuff. I hate my grades. I have a few zeros now cuz I missed assignments the few times I missed class. Fuck that man. And English. What the heck man I don't need to write shit papers. They are all just a waste of my fucking time. You say C is the average? I wrote bullshit and you gave me B+? That's not right.. And I hate it that everyone around me has boyfriends and girlfriends and I'm fucking alone. And I hate missing my dog. And I hate missing my mummy. And I hate the people who are coming to fix my apartment cuz they suck fat ass. Take so fucking long. And I hate being so freaking pessimistic.
So, I'm going to write about what I like. I like having my mummy talk to me whenever I call her. I like knowing that my doggy and my hello kitty will always be there for me. I like knowing that I have friends that will always be there for me (tho they might be mean to me sometimes... =P). I like knowing that I'm lucky to be able to be in college here and now. I like my iPod mini. I like NARUTO cuz it makes me happy all the time. I like hugs and kisses. I like it that I'm 16 cuz being 16 is supposedly sweet. I like knowing that all my friends will be waiting for me when I return to Singapore... right..? I like believing that someday I'll meet this fucking guy (make me wait for so long) who will be so good to me. I like knowing that I'm such a fortunate girl with so many people who care for me... Correct..? I like it when I see that I received hugs in my sidebar. I like Sasuke and Kakashi. I like Toomer's Coffeeplace's Blended Mocha. I like Krispy Kreme original glazed donuts. I like Guess. I like believing that someday I'll have abs. I like talking to my friends and family in Singapore thru Msn. I like eating.
Speaking of eating, I've not been controlling my food intake for the past 2 days. I gotta stop that. I think I just gained 7 pounds. Look at me not sleeping early at night and not wanting to get up in the morning. No wonder I'm getting fat. Talked to my aunt today and she told me I'm getting round. Thanks gugu............ Haha... Just kidding. I know I'm getting fat. I'll try my best to slim down a little.
-- You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Boy don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby-- =Always be my baby - Mariah Carey=
I tried to upload all the photos in but damn.. Duno what's wrong with blogger man. I have a few pictures up though =)
Went to work today and... I duno what's up with black guys and me man. One of them tried to get my number and shit today.. when I was working. ... ... I'm tired of talking about them black people already.
Got my paycheck today! SO HAPPY! I'm going to work on Wednesdays too starting this week. Yay money money!
Yay school tomorrow... ... ... ... ... ... ...
I love Sasuke and Kakashi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Atlanta Trip!
The Atlanta Stone Mountain trip was sooooooooooooooo fun!! Haha.. Well.. Yea it was fun. =)
I got to walk up a mountain and damn was it tiring I needed Brian to pull me up to the top of the mountain haha..... I'm so weak!! I gotta start exercising but as usual, I'm just saying. I don't have the time and energy to exercise man. I gotta study. =D
The Japanese festival was alright.. It wasn't really that great though. I thought I would get to buy stuff there.. The stuff they sell are... alright..... But my friend told me that I could get those shit in Japan for $1. And I guess the same goes for Singapore. Food so damn expensive too and it's also alright........ Not the best. I'll have to say that my mummy makes better unagi.
The best part of the festival is the Candy Sculpting. Kyna and I walked around the whole park looking for the guy but we didn't realise that it was him when we first saw him standing right beside us in the archery section of the festival haha.. But we found him in the end and we followed him to where he performed and it was funny haha. I liked it a lot a lot haha... He was soooo funny! He performed little magic tricks and lion dance and top spinning and stuff. He is pretty good. And then he took this piece of candy (i think it's man ya tang) and he rolled it up and stuck it on a chopstick. He then walked around and kinda pulling on the candy and snipping it. And guess what! He gave the candy to ME!!! HAha.. I was so happy and quite surprised. I guess it pays to have a baby face. But I had to turn it up and down the whole time cuz the candy was still warm and would melt if I didn't do it. SO FUN! And the lion dance thing is soooo cute! I think I took some pics. And and!! After the show ended, I went over and told the candy sculptor ありがとうございました! and he told me どういたしまして! Yay! I'm speaking Japanese haha.. I was happy that I got the candy haha..
And on the way back, I fell asleep in the van and drooled on my friend HAHA.. It was sooooooooooooooooooo embarrassing!! HAha.... Damn! haha hahahahaha
Niways.... guess that's all i'm too tired now think ima go sleep
-- Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
I need you by my side.
Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat slow.
I can't let you go.
I want you in my life. -- =Everytime we touch - Cascada=
=D I had fun today in Atlanta. Took pictures and stuff. Will write more about that later cuz I'm so hungry now
Lament Lament Lament
-- I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'Cause I can't go on
Livin' in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love tonight -- =My All - Mariah Carey=
But I hate you. Hate you so much.
Anyways, I just realized today that the guy from my English class whom I talked about is really good-looking. Duno why it took so long but I guess I just noticed cuz people look at us when we walk together (good-looking white guy and ugly asian girl) and one of the girls in that class introduced herself to him... And I guess it's actually quite a miracle that he talked to me instead of all the other pretty (and smart) girls in the class. And he's so nice too and gentlemanly. And he's tall and fit. But o well.
Going to Atlanta tomorrow for the JapanFest! I'm kinda excited about it! =D But gotta go work later. I like Sasuke soooooooooo much! And Kakashi too hehe.... And Naruto's so cute too.
Hai.... Man. I heard some bad news from my mom.. Stuff that I thought will only remain in magazines and not happen to my family.. But shit happens. Well, maybe it's not a bad thing. Iono.. It may be a good thing for some people but I think it'll be bad news for me. I just wish that person the best and hope that everything goes well.
What the heck is love? Isn't it supposed to be like... happy and nice and fun and fluffy and cute? I think I kinda hate love. Haha.. Hate love. Hm.. Not really I guess. Cuz I love playing the piano and flute and they make me happy. I love my dog and she makes me happy... most of the time. See the problem with love is like. Iono man.. Like I love my little brother but I get angry so much and I say I hate him cuz. How do I say it. I want him to be successful and stuff and be polite.. just everything that is good you know what I'm saying. And then, because of that, I hate him cuz he's not like that and he doesn't know and he doesn't want to change and man. It's difficult.
And then there is this love where.. You fall in love with a guy. You'll give up everything for him or maybe you already have but he doesn't want to be with you. You love him but he makes you sad and angry. Love is supposed to be sad too? And when you love someone who did something wrong. Iono.. I dun even know what I'm talking about. Love is so troublesome and fucking and is a dirty piece of shit. I don't wanna love no more. Man love hurts. Love sucks. Fuck love man.
I'm now going to talk about Naruto after all those shit on love. I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE WITH ALL NARUTO EPISODES!!! It's is my didi hehe.. And he's so nice cuz he's sending me all till 90 cuz im downloading 91 and above using bittorrent. I LOVE SASUKE SO MUCH!!! I wan him to be my boyfriend!!! And Kakashi can be my brother haha... Wth. I can't wait to go back to Singapore too cuz I asked around and everyone told me they sell lots of Naruto shit in Singapore. Yay!!! Can't wait to GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh ya Corpse Bride is out now. I WANa GO SEE IT! And I watched The Longest Yard yesterday. The one with Chris Rock and Adam Sandler in it. It was pretty good haha it was hilarious. Guess I'll go get lunch now................
Yesterday was good. I was mean haha.. That black guy did come to talk to me but I was like ''yeah'', ''no'', and other short answers like that. I made a few new friends in that class too. One of them's a black guy too but this one's thin and better-looking and cooler. Nearing the end of class, that guy whose 3 times my size was like ''hey Kristy''. I went ''huh'' and he asked ''can you wait up for me when you're done?'' I was like ''why'' That's gotta hurt a bit I guess but damn I don't care anymore. I'm not born to make everyone happy man. And I added ''I'm not really free you know'' and he went ''oh you have class after this?'' and I said ''no I'm going to meet up with someone''. And then I was like DAMMIT. WHY DIDN'T I SAY BOYFRIEND??????!!!!!!!!????? But after that I was like fuck it man. He's never going to talk to me again after how I treated him today. Owite!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmm.. And I watched a few more episodes of Naruto too... Have I talked about Naruto in here before? No!! Damn EVERYONE should go watch that cartoon. It is soooooooooooooo cute and FARNI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha.... Watching it always makes my day. And when I get happy when I finish downloading an episode too aha.. Anyways, Naruto is about a boy named Naruto and a ninja school.... For more info, click
here. It is soooooooooooooo funny and cute. I love Naruto and Sasuke and Kakashi!!!!! Kakashi is soooooooooooo cool haha... Click
here for the official webbie of Naruto.
Anyways, I played my flute yesterday too... YEA. Feels great but I deproved A LOT. Damn. And watched Team America too haha that shit was funny. Team America! Fuck yea!! Haha..............
Today was aight............ Nothing much to do.................................... Hope to go to eat some chicken legs at Buffalo Wild Wings though. It's on special tonight (just 50 cents a piece) and it tastes GREAT. With the sauce and stuff................. MMMmmmm.. Gotta study too! I haven't forgot what I said yesterday. I'm going to make my mummy prouda me.
Oh oh.. That guy from my English class, he's so cute haha.... I told him we should hang out together sometime and it's going to be easy since he lives 10 steps away from my place.
I love my mummy
Just talked to my mummy on the phone. She always makes me feel better... =')
I am afraid of black people.
Today is the day. The day that I'm going to go to that fucking Chemistry Lab class that lasts 2 1/2 hours. Where I will see that big black guy. Good luck Kristy. Thanks.
I was nearly knocked down by a freakin car today. Stupid motherfucking black bitch. Man.. She just floored that thing and came right at me. I was on the pedestrian crossing too. I don't know what she has against asians, but I guess she hates our asses pretty badly. And damn she chose the right asian to mess with. I was so fucking shocked all I remembered about her car is that it is black like her fucking black ass. I was so fucking lucky man. Her tire scraped my ankle. The one that's already injured too. Fuck that bloody motherfucker. Man. It hurt quite a bit. She didn't stop or nothing too. Black shit. Fortunately, I didn't bleed or anything.. But it was scary. So scary. I'm beginning to fear black people like Kiska does.
I'm doing terrible at school now. I think I should stop all the ''I need a boyfriend" shit. I can't depend on people anymore. I've got to defend myself. I've got to grow up. And I'm growing up now. Starting today. I don't need a boyfriend. I don't need anyone. Even if I do, it would only be Kiska. And maybe my parents who are always there. No one else. I don't want to depend on anyone anymore. I will have friends but I will not let myself depend on them anymore. No more. So, I should start studying harder. And stop all this shit.
Jin - I Don't Know
It's not fair it's not fair it's not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I guess everyone's right except me. I should start believing that cuz I never get what I want and when I want something and I don't get it, I get all fucked up and curse at everyone I see.
My boss. He's not really that bad at all if I wanna remain hostess. He told me yesterday that I'm going to get my pay on the 26th cuz that day would be a month since I start work. But my friend who started working so much later than I did got her pay. I guess if I am still like how I used to be in Singapore, I won't even notice it and I guess that's why I was so damn happy all the time. I was a fucking optimist and I didn't give a damn about anything.
And I think.. If I really want a boyfriend that bad, it won't be difficult to find one. I guess.. I mean, if I'm that desperate, I would go out with that black guy right haha.... Wtf.. Well.. I guess I was kinda wishing and stuff you know. But I think I'd most probably be able to find someone else to like right. Don't wanna waste my youth you know what I'm saying haha.. Cuz in the end if we never got together I would really be wasting my time won't I.
Haha.. I duno..
Is happiness that difficult to find?
1. Work
Fuck work man. I HATE WORKING. I guess this is the real world man. I got reprimanded by my boss 3 times yesterday. Or was it two. I don't give a fuck how many times man. I HATE Koreans. Of all Asian races, I hate Indians and Koreans the most man. I DONT WANA BE A FUCKING HOSTESS BOSS. I HATE YOU SO MUCH. U MAKE MY LIFE SUCK SO BAD. I guess this is what my dad goes through everyday, except he has bossES and they all suck twice as bad. If I was my dad, I would get a gun and shoot them all man. Anyways, I've been trying to let my boss know that I wanna be a fucking waitress through both actions and words but he just continues to ignore it. Damn it man. He's using me so much. I'm going to skip work man. And I want my fucking pay too. Fancy telling me to skip Wednesday night Japanese classes (I don't go but I usually hang out with my friends) and telling me to work on Wednesdays for a month cuz his fucking mom is not around. Fuck that man. I HATE BOSSES. I'm not going to fucking work on Wednesdays man. I'm going to make use of that free time to hang out.
Stupid Koreans who come to the restaurant I work in and not know how to speak English. Man, you wana live here you gotta learn the fucking language stupid. How are you going to fucking survive if you can't speak English? Imagine living in Japan and not being able to speak Japanese. It's the same shit, you're practically handicapped.
Anyway, back to work. I want to be a waitress so I don't have to wait in front and greet every fucking customer. I HATE doing that man. I hate being that friendly and stuff and I want TIPS man. If I become a waitress, I'll really work hard to get those tips (cuz it'll be mine, not shared. no communism here) and I'll work hard to be a waitress. I'd rather be working cleaning up stuff and like.. you know what I'm saying. And man. Stop telling me that my face looks more like a hostess man............. I WANT THE MONEY TO SPEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus waitresses don't have to be loud and man it's just so much better than a fucking waitress
2. The other stuff
Haha.. That 3 times my size black guy called again yesterday while I was alone in my house. Man it was like a horror movie and everything haha.. I tried to force myself to say that my boyfriend's blah blah.. but man.. I duno why I didn't man. I guess I was too afraid or something. He asked me if I have a break tomorrow between class I said I usually have stuff to do at that time. And then he said he'll talk to me more on Tuesday. O.O Man this shit has got to stop.
I need a boyfriend. Really really need one. Really really really need one. Why don't I have one then? I don't know. I may not be friendly enough, I may not be trying hard enough, I dont know. But damn. It's been a long time since I had a boyfriend.
HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I JUST watched the trailer to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANNA WATCH THAT MOVIE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Click
HERE to watch the trailer too!!!!!!!!!!! I found a different one but it is not really better than the one in Yahoo.. But click
Anyways, I watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children yesterday. Damn it was cool. I liked it and the Main Theme from that movie sounds great!! Spent my morning today looking for the sheet music and found it! Click
HERE to listen to that song. SO GOOD. I can't wait to learn it.
Haha... WOW. HAha..
I was working yesterday when the only other person my English class that doesn't give shit about it came. We chatted a bit and yea! He did not drop the class. This means that I'm not the only one who doesn't give shit about that class haha.. He told me he skipped cuz he couldn finish his paper ahaha. And he lives near my place too!! Coo! And he's quite a good looking guy haha..
Hmm.. what else... Wow it's 1pm now.. gotta go work at 4 plus... And I have to study for that Chemistry test on Monday too... I don't feel like studying man................
My brother's blog entry
Man I have 3 entries today haha.. Guess I'm too bored. Spent too much, nowhere to go, too much studying to do.. Fuck that man.. I hate studying.
Anyways, I went to my brother's blog just now and man, what he wrote was sad. It's been so long already. Forget about her man. Fancy making me tear up. I don't want my brother to go ''giving till it hurts, and then giving somemore''. I don't want my brother to be sad man. Forget about that girl man. If you're not still liking her so much, I would have called her bitch instead. I may not know the whole story and I don't even know if I got the right person but.. It's not worth it to mourn over stuff like that man. Forget about it and move on. Stop wasting your time. Plus, you're 20 hours away from her. There are so many other better girls out there. Damn. I don't want my brother to feel that way.
''Singapore and Katrina'' aticle
I found this article in NYTIMES.COM while looking for a stuipd topic for my fucking English paper.
Singapore and Katrina
THOMAS L. FRIEDMANPublished: September 14, 2005
There is something troublingly self-indulgent and slothful about America today - something that Katrina highlighted and that people who live in countries where the laws of gravity still apply really noticed. It has rattled them - like watching a parent melt down.
That is certainly the sense I got after observing the Katrina debacle from half a world away here in Singapore - a city-state that, if it believes in anything, believes in good governance. It may roll up the sidewalks pretty early here, and it may even fine you if you spit out your gum, but if you had to choose anywhere in Asia you would want to be caught in a typhoon, it would be Singapore. Trust me, the head of Civil Defense here is not simply someone's college roommate.
Indeed, Singapore believes so strongly that you have to get the best-qualified and least-corruptible people you can into senior positions in the government, judiciary and civil service that its pays its prime minister a salary of $1.1 million a year. It pays its cabinet ministers and Supreme Court justices just under $1 million a year, and pays judges and senior civil servants handsomely down the line.
From Singapore's early years, good governance mattered because the ruling party was in a struggle for the people's hearts and minds with the Communists, who were perceived to be both noncorrupt and caring - so the state had to be the same and more.
Even after the Communists faded, Singapore maintained a tradition of good governance because as a country of only four million people with no natural resources, it had to live by its wits. It needed to run its economy and schools in a way that would extract the maximum from each citizen, which is how four million people built reserves of $100 billion.
"In the areas that are critical to our survival, like Defense, Finance and the Ministry of Home Affairs, we look for the best talent," said Kishore Mahbubani, dean of the Lee Kwan Yew School of Public Policy. "You lose New Orleans, and you have 100 other cities just like it. But we're a city-state. We lose Singapore and there is nothing else. ... [So] the standards of discipline are very high. There is a very high degree of accountability in Singapore."
When a subway tunnel under construction collapsed here in April 2004 and four workers were killed, a government inquiry concluded that top executives of the contracting company should be either fined or jailed.
The discipline that the cold war imposed on America, by contrast, seems to have faded. Last year, we cut the National Science Foundation budget, while indulging absurd creationist theories in our schools and passing pork-laden energy and transportation bills in the middle of an energy crisis.
We let the families of the victims of 9/11 redesign our intelligence organizations, and our president and Congress held a midnight session about the health care of one woman, Terri Schiavo, while ignoring the health crisis of 40 million uninsured. Our economy seems to be fueled lately by either suing each other or selling each other houses. Our government launched a war in Iraq without any real plan for the morning after, and it cut taxes in the middle of that war, ensuring that future generations would get the bill.
Speaking of Katrina, Sumiko Tan, a columnist for the Sunday edition of The Straits Times in Singapore, wrote: "We were shocked at what we saw. Death and destruction from natural disaster is par for the course. But the pictures of dead people left uncollected on the streets, armed looters ransacking shops, survivors desperate to be rescued, racial divisions - these were truly out of sync with what we'd imagined the land of the free to be, even if we had encountered homelessness and violence on visits there. ... If America becomes so unglued when bad things happen in its own backyard, how can it fulfill its role as leader of the world?"
Janadas Devan, a Straits Times columnist, tried to explain to his Asian readers how the U.S. is changing. "Today's conservatives," he wrote, "differ in one crucial aspect from yesterday's conservatives: the latter believed in small government, but believed, too, that a country ought to pay for all the government that it needed.
"The former believe in no government, and therefore conclude that there is no need for a country to pay for even the government that it does have. ... [But] it is not only government that doesn't show up when government is starved of resources and leached of all its meaning. Community doesn't show up either, sacrifice doesn't show up, pulling together doesn't show up, 'we're all in this together' doesn't show up."
Went to the DOC yesterday.. It was alright. I had to wait for 1/2 an hour even tho I had an appointment >:(. The girl that sat beside me was like ''I have an appointment at 3p.m. and they haven't let me in yet." And I was like "I have an appointment at 2:30." And she was like ''oh''. Lol.. Anyways, I had an x-ray for my ankle. It was COOL. The machine stuff haha.. But it took quite sometime though cuz I met a blonde in the X-ray room and they needed to put her info in the computer first. And she was there before me so. But it's kinda.. Iono. I asked her what happened to her and she told me her lungs and stuff. I don't really remember what is wrong but she had some part of her lung taken out cuz of.. I forgot haha.. And it's causing her problems now like she keeps coughing and having asthma and shit. But she's so.. Man. If I were her, I would be so pissed at myself you know what I'm saying. But she told me that she just tries to make the best out of each day. And she's all smiling and cheerful. Damn. The only thing I don't like about her is that she joined a sorority. To think that I was getting all pissed yesterday cuz of my ankle haha..
The doctor was sooooooooooo nice! I circle A in everything in the patient survey except for the thing they ask about time I had to wait before I went in I circle D haha.. Anyways, he explained everything to me and was so nice! He listened to everything I said about my dad and little bro with this problem too. He even took out a book to show me what's wrong kinda like a teacher you know. So, the problem with me is that I'm a little.... flat-footed... =I My leg kinda rolls in a weird way when I walk stretching that tendon near my ankle and that tendon kinda rubbed on the bone or something and got a little swollen. BUT he said my bones are GREAT! Haha.. He also told me to get new shoes with arches.. Don't really know how to say it. And I guess I gotta wear my flip flops less often. ='( And I gotta eat 4 Aleve tablets a day to reduce the pain and the swelling. I also gotta ice that ankle everyday in the afternoon. That's all. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE FLAT-FOOTED!! IT SUCKS!! I WANNA WEAR FLIP FLOPS EVERYDAY!!!!!!!! See I'm getting pissed again. Haha.. I gotta learn from that blonde I talked about.
I just finished writing a fucking English paper Monday and here's a new fucking one again! =D Man I hate English class. And the only other person that doesn't give a fuck about that class is not in that class anymore. I guess he dropped it.
Gotta study today. No hanging out. I have a Chemistry test next Monday and I don't even remember what he taught in class. Damn. Stupid teacher. I'll have to say that he's not very smart man. That teacher makes so many mistakes COPYING HIS OWN NOTES onto the blackboard. Man.... I could do better.
Anyways, I gotta go research for a stupid topic for that fucking English paper.
Auntie Daddy Mummy Ah Ma Cuzzin Auntie I need you!!!

Wow... I can't believe what I just did today... Man.. A black guy 3 times my size asked for my number and I gave it to him. I don't know why but I guess.... Hai.. HAha.. I guess I depended on yall too much you know who you are haha.. When stuff like that happens in Singapore, you all would be there to take care of it for me but now that I'm here... Haha.. It's kinda embarrassing.. Damn I suck. That guy wants to ask me out for lunch but NO WAY man. I'm not going to go eat with him. I know I went with that guy from work but it's different you know what I'm saying. He's asian. I'm not being racist or what but you know... I mean, this guy's nice and all but it's just.. man he's 3 times my size. And he's DEFINITELY NOT my type. NO NO. It'll be too scary for me.
Anyways, I think that Jin is soooooooooooooooo great. Man.. I'm so proud that he's Chinese. Wanna know more about him? Click
here for his official webbie and
here to know just a little more about him. I hope he will have more albums released in the future. I WILL buy them ALL even though I usually download songs. He's the coolest guy ever along with Johnny Depp haha..
And something's wrong with my ankle cuz when I walk it kinda hurts quite a bit. The funny thing is that it doesn't hurt when I wear high heels! =S I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow.. Went today but I didn't make an appointment hehe...
I guess I'll go sleep now.... Damn... Iono why but I want to have a boyfriend so badly haha... I want a hug from someone I love that loves me back you know what I'm sayin. And it's different from family you know haha.. Look at me trying to bs.
Where should I get my stuff??
Should I shop here or wait till I go back to Singapore!!??!!??!
Sweet Potato Fries
While I was in Niargara Falls, I ate some awesome sweet potato fries there and damn I miss them. So... I went to Yahoo for recipes. Read thru a few and chose this one. Just to make sure I know I don't lose it, I'm going to post it here. This recipe is from,1950,145170-232195,00.html.
4 med. sweet potatoes
2 c. cold water
1/2 tsp. salt
4 tbsp. melted butter
Peel the potatoes. Slice lengthwise or use a French fry cutter. In a large bowl, soak in salted cold water for one hour. Drain and pat dry with a paper towel.
Arrange on a cookie sheet and drizzle with melted butter. Bake at 450 degrees for 30 minutes or until brown on bottom. Turn and bake another 15 minutes or until crisp and tender when tested with fork. Sprinkle with salt or serve plain.
I cannot believe that I've not eaten sweet potato fries before going to Niagara Falls man... They are sooooooooo fucking good. I'm not going to eat it with salt though. I had it with maple syrup and butter in Niagara Falls (I think..) But I read in another website that a woman ate it with cinnamon, brown sugar, and butter mixed together as a dip.. Hmm.. I guess I'll stick with maple syrup and butter.
Anyways, I cooked today haha.. Got back from class at like 6:30 so it was already getting dark. Lights in the kitchen's still not fixed yet so I kinda cooked in the dark. It doesn't taste that bad though haha.. I just threw everything I saw into the saucepan and cooked... Onions that my brother left on the table for 2 days.. bacon that was in the freezer for like a month.. chicken that my mama seasoned.. every seasoning salt within my reach... HAha.. And I tried to warm up the bagel my bro bought a long time ago. I wanted to have like melted cheese on it so I put the bagel in the microwave and put those shredded cheese on it and put it on ''frozen pizza'' (I did that once and it worked..) and when I took it out to eat it, the cheese was fine but the bagel was hard as a rock haha.. It was kinda funny. I laughed at myself. But the chicken bacon onion stuff was good haha..
Please gimme more hugz... hehe... =D
I should stop blaming people on things that don't go my way man. That hostess thingy, I admit, I'm partly at fault too. I'm lazy. I think my boss wants me to be a hostess too but I'm lazy. Don't really know how to say it but like, I kinda get pissed cuz I do most of the stuff that waitresses do but I get less plus I don't get tips. I mean, I get paid more than most people or waitresses in other restaurants (I think) but man I think it's not really fair. But, as Jin said, reality bites, and this is just the beginning of being in the real world without mummy and daddy to protect me. I talked to Mummy about it and she told me boss most probably wants me to be a 'vase' you know what I'm saying. My waitress friend from there says that too, that I'm too 'cute' to be a waitress but man I don't care about my looks, I care about what I get paid man. But as I said, I'm lazy. When boss told me that I didn't work hard enough, that I need to be louder and stuff, I was thinking in my mind: man that other waitress speaks softly too. And I get pissed when I see new waiters or waitresses and I'm still stuck being a hostess you know. And when I get pissed I kinda don't care anymore about what's happening I just stand there you know haha.. Attitude girl. I gotta change that attitude of mine. My waitress friend, Cindy, gave me lots of helpful tips too. She's so nice. She said I could get tips too when people have carry out orders... I have to say that I respect her quite abit. She's hardworking and smart. Unlike me...
Iono man... Sometimes I just wish that I'm back to when I was like 6 or 7 years old you know, when mummy and daddy stand by me and protect me and kinda spoil me. When I like, duno, don't really have to face stuff like that. Man. I'm happy that I have a job and stuff. But life is so much easier being a child.
And sometimes I'm afraid. You know, I'm afraid that I might get cheated or something. I don't really know who to trust you know what I'm saying. Of cuz, I trust my mummy and daddy and my immediate family. It's just, it's not enough. I want to trust someone else, a friend, you know, and not the ones I had from Singapore. I mean, I trust yall, definitely, but it's just different cuz yall are like 20+hours away from me. Alright I'll say it. I wanna have a boyfriend so I can trust him and stuff you know. And man is it difficult to find one cuz I'm afraid....
I have some weird neighbours!!!
The one on the right is the Indian who talks on the phone loudly outside his house in the middle of the night. And the new one on the left is a white guy. Or two. Man they slept later than I did (I fell asleep with his bunch of whiteys still talking outside) and they woke up earlier than I did (I was awaken by them bunch of whiteys talking outside again) to talk! What the heck man... Can't these people talk INSIDE their apartments? Man.. Why do I have to have the weird bunch as my neighbours. Look look man that female friend of theirs is talking loudly again. Stupid bitch. Man they need to go get a life man. And they are still drinking at 10:40a.m. in the morning??
Yay weekend! I can finally settle down and start catching up on my work. Damn am I behind. I did 2 quizzes today and I did bad man. I just couldn't recall. Sucks so badly. I am going to stuuuuuuuuddddddddyyyyyyyyy tomorrow..
Anyways, went to Atlanta today. Today's just not a good day. Bought some stuff but. =I
I've found my camera USB cable so I posted the pictures from Niagara Falls. =D And a picture of my iPod mini haha. I will take pictures of my apartment when I'm free. So tired now. Oh oh and I bought a Guess woman's wallet today. Yay! I wanted to buy a handbag too but damn. At least I got a wallet. Oh ya haha.. and I ate Penang Char Kway Teow today in Atlanta. Somehow it reminds me of Singapore. I felt like I was back in Bedok interchange or something. Haiz... And finally talked to Valerie man.. It's ages since I chatted with her... I miss everyone man....
Yay!!! yay!! HAha.. I got my Apple Ipod! Man I'm happy! And I finished my English Paper (not enought pages but what the heck)!!! And I found my camera USB cable!!! So I can do EVERYTHING NOW!!! I'm going to be able to finally post pictures from the beautiful Niagara Falls. Take a picture of my ipod.. Take a picture of my house.. And man so many things. I love orange juice!! And I LOVE JIN!! And PLEASE give me more HUGS!!! THANKS! Today's a good day! =D
Yay Ipod!
I finally found the customer service of that and called them and cancelled my order!!!!!!!! =D Damn I sent them 4 bloody emails and no reply and I want to get my ipod today so badly... So.. yup! It's done! I can go get my ipod later! And then finish my freaking English paper due tomorrow! It's kinda difficult considering my level.. Owitey! Cant wait to get my Ipod!!
hi people
Sorry for the confusion and stuff. I have something that I wanna quote from myself from August:
''Spent the rest of the time in Brian's place. I like hanging out with Brian. He's a cool guy. Chatted with him a lot before coming back here as you can see cuz it's like 1:30. Chatted about lots of stuff. Some cool shit. Making fun of people. Opinions and stuff. Talked about boyfriend and girlfriend crap too. It's nice talking to him. He actually listens you know. And he tells me lots of stuff too. And he's like all sincere and stuff. I really like hanging out with him.
To say the truth, if one day I am going to marry someone, it's going to be someone with a character like Brian. The way he talks to me and stuff. I don't know. It's just different. He knows stuff and is actually very caring. I don't know if I'll ever meet another guy like him.''
That's all. Anyways, I ordered an Ipod on Man I regretted that so much. Went to my school's bookstore and they sell it cheaper there plus I don't have to wait for it to be shipped to my place. I'm cancelling my order but it was so troublesome man. told me that I can't cancel the order online cuz I have ordered from through them. So I had to email them. And they just sent me the order confirmation a few hours ago. Man that sucks. I wanna get my Ipod tomorrow man.
I hung out with Brian today. Went to eat sushi..... SO GOOD!!! Expensive though. But GOOD!! =D And it's fun to hang out with Brian. I like the way he talks to people and stuff. He's like so calm and cool. Takes things smoothly as they come you know. Man I wanna be like him. But I kinda get tensed up easily and stuff. Well I guess I'll slowly.. I don't know. Grow up I guess. Think it'll be easier with Brian guiding me....
Got an English paper due Friday... Yay. I've got to start on it now.
Happy Birthday Ippei!
From today on, I'm going to attend every class. I ain't going to skip my 8a.m. classes anymore. I'm going to be a good girl and make my mummy proud. I'm going to give myself a limit. No more than 1 missed class a month. =X Haha.. And no rollover haha. Damn it's kinda pathetic that I have to talk to myself like that.
But I'm so proud I woke up and went to my 8am class today even though it's the only morning class I have and I didn't really have to be there. I came back and slept but some motherfucking kids called me, woke me up, and played me man. I thought that it was my friend damn. I feel so stupid man. Haha it's kinda funny though. I was like huh Mary? How are you? Haha... Then I heard the father shouting in the background and the kid told me wrong number and I hung up and laughed at myself haha.. I was kinda angry though cuz I was having a good dream man.
I've been bidding on an ipod in ebay and it's getting kinda frustrating. I was going to get one paying like $170 but somehow within the last 5 mins, my internet connection fucked up and when I managed to go back in the price shot to 180+. Man that sucks. I was so excited. I'm currently the highest bidder on another one but if this continues man I'm not going to get one at all. Maybe I'll go get it at the store or something.
It feels so good when you hug me
Tomorrow's a holiday!!! =D
Yeah!! Finally man!! And it's a Monday too the day when I have the most classes. So cool.
I woke up at 13:45 today! This is the first time since I left Singapore to sleep this late man! Have to go work at 4:30.... =( I kinda don't like working at all you know. I asked boss if I could get a job as a waitress but he said I'm not really doing well being a hostess so I gotta improve first and I can't carry beer till I'm 19. Fuck it man. Hostess sucks man. I have to like shout friendly to everyone who enters and sometimes they just take over and stuff what the heck do I do man. Plus I'm not exactly the friendliest person on earth. And I haven got my fucking pay yet. I want money...... Sometimes, I dono I kinda sense that they kinda treat the blacks and Chinese different you know.
Anyways, I cannot believe that we lost our first football game of the season at home. It's kinda disappointing.. But it's ok cuz I was having trouble understanding the game anyway. So many weird stuff. What flags and stuff.
I'm going to stay home today till 4:20 to be a good girl and do my homework.
Thanks for the many hugs I received! I'm soooooooooooooo happy!! =D Love you all soooooooo much! I love hugs so much! Wish they could be like turned into real hugs man. But it's good enough for me!!!!!
I am sooooooooooooooo tired!!! Everyday I told myself: You gotta sleep early tonight. But I will have something to do at the last minute or something. Then, when I wake in the morning, I'll be like, I'll sleep again when I get back home but... I cannot!! Why!!!?? So weird man.
Gotta work later...!!! 3 days! I can do it! I don't really like working sia the heels are killing my feet. And I haven't got my pay yet!! =( Maybe I'll get it today..
I tried to upload a video in my multiply thingy it's Jin vs. Verse that was on Smack dvd. It's so good I got a great laugh out of how he killed that guy. Don't know if yall can watch but you can try clicking on it and see what happens. Took like 3 hours to upload cuz it's 13 mins.. But Jin is sooo cool though so talented. And he's nice. And he's proud that he's asian. I think people like that are cool. Asian pride man.
Anyways, thanks everyone for asking if my family and I are fine. They're doing good now. I called them yesterday and my mummy said that they just go electricity back so I guess everything's good now. She told me my piano teacher's house has a tree on it though so I gotta call her and see how she's doing. Dang she went out. My friends are all fine too haha but they couldn do anything cuz of the stupid gas shortage. Gas is so freaking expensive right now... And I have to drive to work later. Man that sucks. I'm glad that Mobile wasn't hit that hard. I'd be extremely worried if it was.
I really wonder when my brother's going to get internet set up and the house fixed. opps gotta go
I love Jin
I love him sooooooooooooooooo much!! He's like Johnny Depp so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, I cannot believe that I actually woke up so early today to go to one fucking class from 8-8:50am! I'm a hardworking girl man haha. Thought I could come back and sleep again but I guess not. Man, I really can't believe that I got myself to wake up to go to one class! Especially after what happened last night haha. Stupid Indian people who live next door to me. Fuck it man. Woke me up at 1a.m. in the morning. What the fuck! Who the hell would talk on the phone at 1a.m. in the morning on the porch? I wouldn't. People need to fucking sleep man. I thought it would only be fer a while but man he had lots of shit to talk about. So I went out and was like hey you motherfucker, who the hell shouts into his phone at 1a.m. in the morning non-stop?
I'm just kidding haha I don't want him to one day rape me when I'm trying to open my fucking door. I told him to please keep it down cuz I really need to fucking sleep thanks. He said ok but wtf man after a minute or so when I went back to sleep his voice came up again its like a nightmare man. Bloody motherfucker I was going to go out again to scold the shit outta him but when I finally got myself to get out of my bed he hung up his fucking phone. =D I could finally sleep in peace.
I don't know about these Indian people man. They are so.. I duno man. I've never met an Indian who's you know, nice. Met a few at Niagara Falls. Actually I met lots of them there. And they are some weird people. On that trolley thing we get to sit in that goes around the park, there were 3 Indians and they know each other. In fact, it's a couple and a friend most probably, and they each took a seat you know. Like one seat is for 2 people. The trolley's not really empty too and when more people (me =P) went up the bus, my fucking god, they didn't move, and one of them actually moved his awful leg so that no one can sit beside him. I get to push the other Indian guy in so I can sit. Man I don't think his wife/girlfriend (i duno and don care) was happy but I don't give a fuck man it's her own fault. Inconsiderate pieces of shit.
=D I have to do homework!!!!!!!!!! Homework sucks!! Especially if you have the solutions manual right beside you.
And I miss hanging out with Brian already. Sucks.
By the way, I'm so glad that yall visited my blog man. Makes me feel loved... =) Give me hugs in my sidebar kk hehe.. Love yall so much I can't wait for Dec man I'll hug you so tight you can't breathe.