木曜日, 3月 31, 2005

Tanger Factory Outlets

O my gosh! I've only got 3 days left of spring break! Time passes really quickly when you are having fun man. I can't seem to upload photos into my photo album. Sorry.. I'll try to fix this problem asap.

I went to Tanger Factory Outlets today. Didn't get to drive because it was raining really heavily. Great spring break this year man 70% rainfall, 20% cloudy skies, and 10% sunshine. BUT! I got to see some really beautiful lightning. Kept looking for them when my brother was driving. I can't get enough of its beauty. I'm downloading Sacred updates now and have 3 more days left. 3 more days. I am really having second thoughts about going to prom, and my mom's warning me about cute sweet jap guys that will make me go gaga... hhaa..

The factory outlets were not as fun as they used to be. I don't know why. Maybe it's because we all were hungry. haha.. I didn't buy much. We ate Arbys for lunch at 3pm. :S The only thing great about America is fast food. They have some real good fast food restaurants here. Ok. Update complete. Going to play Sacred now.

水曜日, 3月 30, 2005

Up the hill

Today is not a great day. Started out really really bad. I woke up thinking that I would be playing Sacred for the whole day. But no. Mama decided to get me to go take my driver's test. It was terrible.

Waited for the cashier person to call my number, got her to type in all my info, and then she told me that I had to have my passport, so I had to drive all the way home to get it. On the way home, I forgot to put on my seatbelt (which i tried in vain to put it on when driving, causing people to think that I'm a drunk driver), and didn't manage to properly close the door of my car. Fortunately, I managed to reach home safely, made a fuss about the passport and the i-94 and went back. This is the only good thing about going back to the test center. There was this really cute guy in front of me.. hehe.. And we kinda looked at each other nervously for a while but I didn't get to talk to him at all so..

And here comes the bad luck. I got number 13. And then i got this black woman to be my tester. I'm not going to say anything vulgar about her cuz my dad's going to write a letter to the center to complain. This lady, no, this woman, who doesn't deserve to be called a lady, started hating me the moment she saw me. Gave me the most ^%@^@ face. The cute guy's car was in front of me, but his tester was still checking out his car. My tester told me to go, so I asked her if I should go around his car. She went: "uh.. YEEAAHHH" really loud and sarcastically, really really insulting, really 7^$#&*. She was trying to make me feel stupid. She decided to fail me by that time. Ya. no kidding. I did everything well, except that I didn't look back the whole time I was reversing, and I had right turns a little too wide. Then, we neared a curve. The tester told me I would have to slow down at the curve, but before we reached the curve, she shouted at me:"U GOTTA SLOW DOWN AT THE CURVE!!!!!". Ok. That really got me. WTF?!?! We're not at the curve yet! I know I have to slow down! We drove back to the test center and she told me to go practice and come back another day.

I cried. I don't know why, but no one seems to want to help me on this. Do you like, sometimes can't control your tears? Thats how I felt. I didn't want to cry. I wanted to be strong. But everyone around in the test center seemed to know that I suffered in the car with HER. They asked me if they are letting me take the test again or not, whether she was tough, and stuff like that. I don't know why I just cried. In front of everybody. Somebody has got to help me on this. I want to stop this. I don't want people to look at me and see a fuckin helpless bitch. I want people to see me as a strong "dun-u-dare-touch-me" bitch. No I'm just kidding. I wanna be known as strong and nice. Well, I think I treat people with much respect and so I'm not "un-nice". Someone has got to help me on this crying thing.

I got over it after a few hours of Sacred and by dinner time I could finally spill out the whole story without getting the tears back. My family were very supportive. They felt the the tester did not have the right to raise her voice at me and be so.. My dad said that he'll write a letter to the test center to let them know of this incident. The tester had treated me with no respect at all. She looked at me and saw this small (i look like im 12 cuz i just had a haircut. haha..), chinese kid that seemed fun to bully. Yea. She probably hated Chinese before this and it just sucks and the Lee family is not going to let her get away with this. We are going to stand up for the ASIANS!

I'm so glad to have such a supportive family except that in the beginning my mom felt that the tester sucks but then felt that I'm at fault (that's how I felt when she talked to me about it, making me cry again). I think that if more asians take the initiative and stand up to these whites and blacks, we would not be discriminated against in the future.

I have a wish though after all these.. I really really wish that someone would take away my sadness and anger and put indifference and forgiveness in their places.

火曜日, 3月 29, 2005

BacK fRm AtlanTa!

I AM BACK! went to my bro's place in auburn saturday, went to atlanta sunday and back to auburn, and returned yesterday and spent the whole day playing Sacred. hehe.. the trip was fun except i had to sleep really uncomfortably.

i had a haircut in a korean shop, the same one i went to the other time and i think i made a grave mistake. i uh.... saw a hair style in the style book and it didn really look short so i... got the hairdresser to cut it that way.. and uh... i look funny. But i like it! ^^ makes mi look 100 years smaller. not younger. smaller. haha.. like a child again.. can eat buffet cheap! haa.. and i went to eat tim sum and stuff. it was great except that it was really cloudy and rainy there. o and i couldn find a prom dress cuz it was Easter Sunday and all the malls were closed. :S dang man... i was going to go to atlanta's biggest mall... :'(

dun feel like calling my fren to tell her that im back cuz i dun wanna start doing work... lol...

木曜日, 3月 24, 2005


SPRING BREAK officially starts today! yeah! now im at home lookin fer stuff to do.. im just too happy to do anything so i decided to read "A Walk to Remember" just now. Read a few chapters.. then slammed down that book and switched on the computer.

ahh... this is life. no tough homework to distract me.. no relationship problems.. no sadness.. feeling so... contented and blessed. what else could i ask for?

YEAH!!! im going to eat some tim sum soon i think... love it.. hey those in singapore.. u'll learn to treasure hawker centers and chinese restaurants when you leave sg... you will man.. hmm..

o ya.. today, i think i've secured an A for my English research paper. In English, my teacher always had us write journals as she gave us the prompts. So, as usual, we did it today and she told us to write the first portion about what we would do different to our research paper if we could have them back and redo it, and the second portion is not relevant to the main point. Usually, when we write journals, my teacher would have some of us volunteer to read it. I never did. haha.. today, however, (we had no idea she would do this) she spent the entire class letting all the students read the journals. well, not letting, making. we had to read ours. i wrote something like this: "I would not do anything different to my research paper because i do not have any more energy to do that. I had put in a tremendous amount of effort in the research paper so if i do not make a good grade, im just not intelligent enough." ya. something like that. not exactly, but the idea's there. after that paragraph is the second portion, which is irrelevant now. Everybody had to read theirs, no exception. so i got to read mine. got laughter and people going "aww... kristy..." haha.. and i think i'll most probably get a good grade in the paper.. haha.. and.. haha.. im glad i did that.

水曜日, 3月 23, 2005

i take back what i said about violet

Dang im so guilty. i just called Violet just now and she saved my life. She told me the format for my research paper title page. And i just realised that i had taken her for granted for a long time. She is such a nice girl, always helping me and stuff and i keep complaining about her behind her back.. i feel so.. evil....

yeah.. she might have gotten herself a date and went outside this morning. and might have been a little competitive... but she's really a good fren.. i duno what had gotten over me. i hereby apologize for all the bad stuff i had typed and said about violet.

oNe moRe daY tO sPrinG bReAk!!!!! :D

yaha!! cant wait man! just tomorrow and im off to spring break! yeah! but gotta finish polishing my research paper first...

hmm... today.. in sch, a guy asked me to go to prom with him, which is really really bad. I dun wanna go with him.. and i duno why i didn tell him no rite away.. im so stupid. i was sitting alone in the cafeteria (cuz violet decided to ditch me and go out cuz it was really really pretty outside) eating my Reeses white chocolate peanut butter easter egg and he came over asking me what it was. I showed him the wrapper and resumed eating when he asked: "hey kristy are you going to prom?" I was like "uh.. ya..." and he asked :" do you have a date?" i said no. and he asked me if i would like to go with him. it was the most embarrassing thing ever.. a few days ago i would give up everything for someone to ask me to prom but now, i feel like.. aRHG!!! it's really really embarrassing. i'd rather no one ask me than this.. i was like awestruck cuz i didn expect it. well, not from him anyways. was like 10mins before my mouth decided to work and i said "i'll let you know." Why didn i just reject straight away i do not know. so im really dreading tomorrow when i have to see him again and mayb i'll tell him im not going with him. i really hope this would end quikly and less awkwardly. i'd really rather go to prom alone and eat. LOL.. haha...

alrite.. that is sooo embarrassing, when i read about the "Yule Ball" in Harry Potter, which is kinda like prom, i knew something stupid would happen to me.. i just didn expect it to be so soon. I knew prom is a bad thing, and also other stuff like it. at least if im still in sg i'd probably have a bf to go with me but... im a nerd now!~ and proms are bad fer nerds like me.

火曜日, 3月 22, 2005

i am very sad.

i have finally finished all 5 Harry Potter books and i cannot wait for the 6th to come out. It'll be coming out in July.. i think 114 days more if im not wrong.. i've started on Nicholas Spark's "A Walk to Remember", but i stopped after the prologue becuz im really really sad.

im sad but its not because of this new book. Its cuz of the 5th harry potter book, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". My favourite character, Sirius Black, HP's godfather, DIED!!!! waa.......... i was sniffling man.. i was sooo sad..... sob... im really really sad now too... how can Rowling let him die!??!! he's my favourite character!.... I was in denial too like harry potter.. i read the part where he died yesterday and i kept thinkin.. hey maybe he'll resurrect or something in the next chapter, which i left to be read today. unfortunately, dumbledore confirmed my worst fears. Sirius Black is out of the book... wa...... im soo sad.... now i know why i hated reading.. it makes me sad... i really hope that the 6th book will make mi happy.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is really really sad for me.. its the saddest man... the best book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.. cuz Sirius was introduced in that book.. and cuz its not as sad. I wonder how the 7th and last book would be like..i wonder how it would end.. i hope hp doesnt die....

ok.. enough of harry potter.. sch's been good to me this few days.. xcept that i got a B for English. its expected. its the last period of the day ok... hmph.. i got above 95 for all other subjects. so im happy. but not really cuz of english, but im happy. haha.. Spring break starts this Friday! haha a 10-day break! kekez.. My family and i are going to Auburn and then to Atlanta.. hope i'll be able to get a prom dress there.. i cant wait for hp's 4th movie to come out man.. but i'll most probably wait for the DVD like "Finding Neverland". haha.. i kept sayin i wanna go to the movie theater to watch it but never did.. and now its out on DVD.. WHAHA.. thats funny.. im going to borrow it frm the library and watch it over n over again.

土曜日, 3月 19, 2005


i Am back. and my bro's back from auburn. i cant wait for harry potter and the half blood prince to come out! i've done some improvement in my reading.. from not readin at all to reading harry potter and im soon going to read "A Walk to Remember" by Nicholas Sparks. Think there's a movie with that title and i think its adapted from this book. There's a movie out on DVD now called "The Notebook". I think its also adapted from "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks. and as u can see, he wrote the previous book too. so i should think that his books are good. Many many people told me that "The Notebook" is a really good movie, well it made them cry.

i am quite disappointed. my school's prom is on April 30th. Well, my Chinese friend Violet didn go to the one last year. I thought that it would be a waste for her to waste prom again this year so i told her i'd be going with a group of friends and she could come with me and we'd all have fun! she agreed and said that she'd be going since im going. Ok. that's cool. we're all going, a bunch of girls together, right? NO! my really nice friend asked me last week if i had found a date. I was like.. "a date? No! we're going together with my group of friends!" well i didn exactly answer her as she continued: "well i've asked Paul(a guy frm the Chinese Fellowship) to go to the prom with me". Of cause i was really really hurt by that. We were supposed to go together! How could she do this to me?! this is kinda.. argh.. she's my good friend! isnt this kinda like betrayal? well, my american frens didn go find dates!! we were supposed to go together as a group and have a fun girl's night there... and now she thinks that i should ask a guy, a fren of mine from the CF, who is 14, to go to prom with me! no! im not going to get a date! i dun want one! im going with my friends! unless all my other friends decide to get dates too. >:(

木曜日, 3月 17, 2005

tHe tAstE oF fReEdOm....

haha.. im just kidding... ive just finished my research paper.. so i feel like i've regained all my freedom to read harry potter from 8 to 10pm again! haha.. i know.. im kinda obsessed with it.. cant blame me. the book is addicting.. and when i read it i kinda feel like im watching the movie too.. hmm... im happy! hehe.. and i've added a new idol in my brain.. My idols are Johnny Depp and Daniel Radcliffe.. hehe.. i know.. they aren't the cutest of all but they are really cool guys.. i like both their characters and their looks.. lol..

i am so excited! of sooo many thingS! some of them i can write it out here but others not. well i cant write out most of them.. hmm well.. all of them. but im really excited. hehe.. really...

most people have their blogs about depressing stuff and ppl will get depressed when they read it. so, im really glad im writing positive stuff. so ppl will at least be a little more cheerful than they were. :D i really duno why ppl wanna get depressed.. its really a waste of this wonderful life we are provided with.. so.. be happy! treasure ur life! work hard and be smart and happy! :D

crazy.. haha

火曜日, 3月 15, 2005

i Am feeling much better.

i dont know what got onto me the other day, but the feeling started wearing off monday morning and was gone completely in the afternoon. i am REALLY glad. im kinda sad tho.. cuz no one seems to want to come talk to me in my SHOUTBOX...

anywayz.. i have lots to be happy about so im really happy.. i cannot wait for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince to come out. its coming out in July, really cant wait. and the... Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie's coming out in Nov or Dec.. cannot wait man.. really... and i have to admit, daniel radcliffe is a really good actor.. tho the part where he cried its kinda... uh.. duno... hehe.. n he's really cute too..

i hope that one day i'll get to go visit Britain, Japan, France, and Russia. thats all the countries im lookin forward to going to currently.. they are arranged according how much i wanna go there.. :D

but currently my favourite country is Singapore. hehe... i love Singapore man... really do... cant wait to return in Dec. i've decided to spend my first day with Xinzi, Emily, Wuiting, Candy, Sherlyn (hopefully they would take sometime off their schedules to be with me). 2nd day with Wanhua and Valerie. 3rd with Hongbin, and 4th with Christopher. :D the other days are not planned yet so if you wanna meet me pls tell me.. or i'll spend the other days with my sweet loves, my mama n papa, and my cuzzins to go out n MAKAN great food.. being with my parents mean i can eat better n more expensive food.. haha...

o.. n i wanna cut my hair again n dye it light brown with blonde highlights.. think thats nice...?

日曜日, 3月 13, 2005


duno why.. im suddenly feeling really really empty today.. its like.. really sudden. Do you ever have a feeling like that? i really hate it... just came this morning... no think its yesterday morning. i hate this feeling.. its a really sicky feeling.. its disgusting.. wanna wash it off but.. i dun wanna cry. crying for no reason is really stupid and i dun wanna be stupid. i cant even force a fake smile on my face.. its weird.. i used to wake up and be happy. im not myself today or yesterday. wat's happening.. anyone felt this way before? can you tell me what the fuck's happening? i really really wanna get rid of this feeling..

i have everything.. i should be happy.. but why am i not? did i do something wrong? is it karma? can anyone tell me what's happening..

土曜日, 3月 12, 2005

harry potter movies...

Harry Potter movies just make mi feel all warm and fuzzy inside.. duno y.. kekez... hey hey!!!! pls shout to me in ma shoutbox... :'(

i've not played com games at all this week! its a miracle man.. i cant believe i chose reading to playin!! :O but i cant help it.. i watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban anoche. and im reading the rest of it now. or just now. the Harry Potter series is like addicting... even more addicting than double dutch cookies... i read the first 2 books in 4 days haha... i duno what's happening to me. but i like it.. i feel happy when i read those books.. i'll be really really happy if i will be able to find more books like that in the future, but not the ones just fer children.. i borrowed year 1,2,3, and 5.. i missed 4.. dang it.. but my dad's getting it from the library later.. i cant wait.. i cant imagine how it would be like if i cant get the 4th book after finishing the 3rd.. it would b excruciating pain. ya..

my doggy rolled in poo again today. f.... gotta bthe her later.. y does she do that... i just wish dogs could talk... she'd probably tell me that she needed a bath..

and i just realized something.. life isnt fair. no thats not wat i just realized. i realized that if u feel that life is fair to you, it isnt fair to others.
ya thats wat i realized.. cuz i feel that if i was born white, the world would seem very fair.. cuz no one looks down on whites! and i was born chinese in sg.. thats y i felt that life was fair to me.. and if im born with a great talent, i would feel that life is fair.. but others would not feel that way.. see wat i mean?

i hope... duno.. haha

水曜日, 3月 09, 2005

in sCh aGaiN...

here i am.. in school again... its not that bad today... but i still cant wait to go home!!! whY? cuz i found a new hobby! hehe.. went to the library yesterday.. bmanaged to get HP and the Prisoner of Azkavan without reserving it! hhe... and i borrowed some harry potter books too... and my new hobby is... readin them haha.. i read like 10 chapters yesterday.. i know i know.... its fer like 10 year olds but.. hey i was playin at that time.. no time to read... so im gainin bac some of my childhood rite.. hehe.. but that book's really good.. if your like me, no chance to read it when ur young, borrow it! and you''d enjoy it too.. i enjoyed reading the stuff that was not in the movie.. hehe... alrite.. gonna go play games... freearcade.com haa.. fun..

火曜日, 3月 08, 2005

iN sCh....

hehe.. im in school right now.. so boring sia com class.. finally done with the stuff so i can surf the net.. dang.. just realized yesterday that johnny depp got worst dressed in the academy awards.. thanks hongbin.. poo.. the people who got best dressed looked ugly anyways.. wa.. duno what to write.. cant wait to get outta sch.. have spanish class later.. we;re watching "Good Dog" haha.. in spanish! lol.. argh.. this sch is sooooo boring.. cant wait for spring break.. ahh.. always have lots to say.. but forget...

o ya... im going to the library later to reserve dvds.. haha i can borrow dvds from the library for a dollar each for a week.. hehe.. thats the only thing i like bout here.. haha.. wanna borrow shark tale and harry potter cuz Daniel Radcliffe is super cute!!!! :D but of cuz... Johnny Depp's better.. :)

月曜日, 3月 07, 2005

chEck out the siDebaR~! :D

hehe.. pleaSe check out the "I WAN THESE" section in my sidebar.. take a look at all those stuff and try to get me one of those k? haha... :D im just kidding.. just get me chicken rice.. laksa(katong).. mee rubus.. duck rice/noodles... ba gua(pork jerky or sth like that)..that.... oatmeal prawn or something.. uh... stingray... tim sum.... a few clothes... shoes... pants.. jeans.... uh... haha... im serious noe... :D

o ya.. can any of you ask agar agar how much the contact lenses cost k.. i wanna see where i can get them cheapest... thanks!!! graciaS!! :D

Radcliffe, Depp, Dad, cuzzin. hamsters, dog, picture album..

dang.. i just realized that Daniel Radcliffe, the harry potter boy, is MUY CUTE!!! ahaha... all the wasted years... lol... im just kidding.. no one could be cuter than Johnny Depp.

ahh... my dad's in NEW YORK now!!!! gosh!! i wanna go theRE!!!! WAH~... i wanna go to 5th avenue... soho... and all the other GREAT places to go to.. i wanna go on te subway.. like singapore's MRT, and look at the people.. the great unfriendly people. Well, not great unfriendly people.. i like it when ppl have a sign saying "leave me alone". Its like.. here in Mobile, some people will greet you and then the others are like.. i duno how to describe it. i'd rather have ppl not greet each other at all than having some say hi and then others making me feel awkward.

i found more of my cuzzins today! well he found mi actually,, but im glad.

today's monday, and im ready for spring break. i cant wait to get a haircut.. for your info i look like a mushroom head rite now..

ahh.. i miss my hamsters... to think that i always procrastinate when it comes to bathing them... they are so easy to clean!! unlike my doggy... who goes around eating... poo poo... stupid girl sia,, but its not that bad now.. she doesn eat them anymore.. that's cuz i went thru lots of research to find out the foods she likes!!! stupid girl.. all she knows is .. "sit", "down", "come"... actually she;s not that stupid.. its me.. haha.. im lazy.. at least i taught her down....

o ya.. dun go to my picture album now cuz there's only 1 picture in it.. its a freaky picture of me.. tayi kerbau said i looked like a ghost.. so dun look at it ya.. i'll get my doggie's and my family's pics in when i have the time..

cant wait to go back to singapore this dec!!!!!!!! :D

土曜日, 3月 05, 2005


i know.. the music sucks... but thats the only "what happens tomorrow" i can find online! i'll work harder and get a version w/o ppl talkin at the end but.. i have like 30 mins left.. so i think i gotta wait till next week..

yay.. school.. ...

o waiT!!! tml's Sunday!!! haha.... stupid me..


I was online till 3+ today morning.. went to sleep, then come back online again. whY? becuz.. i duno.. i guess im a nerd/computer idiot/weird/... uh. haha.. i've gone to friendster and looked fer ppl's bloggies so i can link to them. Got quite a few, but not everyone's.. so.. PLEASE SHOUT OUT UR WEBBIE IN MY SHOUTBOX!!! Gracias.. I'm getting soooo lazy.. i just wanna skip everything and go straight to university but... argh...

o ya... yesterday, i chatted with my cuzzin ying ying. i've not spoken to her for like 10 years, i didn exactly speak to her yesterday but we typed. :D.. and im glad we did.. our family has been so... broken up.. there's hatred and sadness. It used to be our whole family... mom dad aunts uncles cuzzins grandma grandpa.. everyone would go to my por por's (grandma) house to celebrate.. lots of stuff.. like birthdays (we go to restaurants) and Chinese New Year and stuff like that.. dang i MISS those days.. we would play.. "21 dian", think that its Black Jack. and eat a great dinner and play around.. But.. nothing lasts forever. so, unfortunately, those happy days ended.. really quickly. It's really sad.. But You've Got to Believe It'll be Alright in the End... :) Back to the subject, i feel that cuzzins should often commmunicate with each other and not drift apart. We should be there for each other cuz.. well, we're connected to each other by blood. i didn express that very well so sorry.. but u know what im talkin about... :)

And! remember to look at the bottom of the page.. i have little messages for you.. keke.. oh Oh!! n REMEMBER to watch WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY!! it's the funniest show! the tot of it makes mi :D


YEAH~! Look at the nEW SHOUTBOX i made!!! YaLL shOut to ME K!!!! YEAH~! And congratz on all who told me your results on the Os.. If your happy, CONGRATZ! If you not, hey its not so bad, everything will b ok when you work hard in poly or jc or any other sch your going to.

Im not doing that bad myself.. Hehe.. Im gettin all As in sch@! :D

O ya.. I've added some linkies to mi cuzzins, friends, and siblings, but im only linkin to mi bro and 2 cuzzins and 1 friend. Please link to me yall, and ask mi to link to you too! :D

Im really tired now.. But somehow im feeling happy! I duno why, nothing had happened, I didn get any prizes, didn win no lottery.. Just have this little "contenta" feeling in me.. ^^

O ya.. Today, a sophmore black guy came to talk to me. Unfortunately, his accent was sooooo.. thick? That i couldn understand a word he said. Its kinder sad.. Duno if its my problem or his.. I was like "huh?", "sorry?", and "uh..". Haha.. But after that i told my fren about it and she said she couldn understand him as well haha.. Guess its not much of my problem then.. Violet said that even the english teachers could not understand them at times.. BUT! Im not stereotyping or prejudice or aything like that. There are black people in my class and 9th grade that i CAN understand. And i like them. Some of them might seem to be rude.. But its ok.. We have rude Asians too, and definitely rude whites..

Speakin of stereotypes and prejudice. I tot about the americans lookin down on asians and stuff like that.. Actually, the asians should b the ones lookin down on those americans.. They ought to be ashamed. People from other countries learn their mother tongue, and then learn English in order to survive in America. 1 + 1 = 2. We Asians ought to have more pride in ourselves! Those americans should be showing us respect instead of lookin down on us! goSh! Well, fortunately for me, i feel that less people are prejudiced now and.. hm mayb they aren't and its just that i dun care what people think anymore. When i first reached here its like, o god, mus do this do that, this and that, so that they wouldn talk about ME!! Then one day, ya like in a fairytale, I realized that i've been living like an idiot. I was so happy and carefree in Singapore becuz i didn care about what people think or say about me. I accidentally dumped all of that in the Recycle Bin and now I've restored them. Well, not all of them, it'll take time to get my confidence and self-esteem back.. But i can do it.. yeah..

金曜日, 3月 04, 2005

FiN dE sEmAnA~

hmM.. im deproving in spanish haha.. i duno if i got that title right.. hmm..seems to me that my TaGbOaRd is having some kinder problem.. but its ok. yup..
This week was a boring one.. i always have sooo much to say and when i come online.. i just forget eerything!!

水曜日, 3月 02, 2005

ooH yEah~

oOh yeah.. haha.. just went to seventeen.com and entered lots of contests for freebies! they have new freebies everyday so im bound to win one of them... if im patient enuff to do this everyday hha.. BUT! you have to get the magazine b4 u can enter the contests..
AND! argh.. i've forgotten what i was going to say...