木曜日, 6月 30, 2005

My First Pay

I got my first paycheck today!! Well uh... It's cold hard cash haha.. But I'm going to put the whole thing in the bank cuz I spent too much of my ''rainy days'' money haha.. Gotta postpone my buying of the mp3 player I have been longing for for months.. It's ok. I'm fine without it now so yeah..

Kaz was kinda not really friendly to me today. I don't know why. I guess he was tired or something. He's not really rude or what he just.. I don't know. But it's ok. Haha..

I was in my oniichan's room till 2a.m yesterday haha. He taught me how to massage and judo. Haha.. It was really really really fun. I love hanging out with him. We both benefit from hanging out with each other. He gets to speak more English and I get to learn lots of stuff from him and about him. Cool guy.

World History today is.. uh... alright. I couldn't keep myself awake haha.. I don't know why. I was more awake when I returned to my dorm than when I was in class. I think it's the voice. Gosh.. It's really really bad. Worse than Mr. Johns (Singapore) and Mr. Ranew(U.S.).

I'm going to hang out with my oniichan again! Fun!

水曜日, 6月 29, 2005

Today's fine!

Yup! Woke up with a little headache but it went away quickly. My friends were really nice. But I was really rude yesterday. They forgive me though. I'm so glad I have them as my friends. I was really just.. I don't know. Just broke down. It was bad. I have weird eyes now. But I'm good. I'm happy. I will not let anything ruin my day anymore. I can't believe I was so rude to my friends.

Kaz visited my room yesterday!! I didn't really care though at that time. He asked me if I was ok and I said I was and I shut the door. I was rude to him too. And I'm not really happy about that. I thought my oniichan sent him to my room but I asked my oniichan today and he didn't even know Kaz came to my room! I saw him this morning but he was really really far away so i don't think he saw me. He is such a nice guy and really funny too. ARGH!!! Why did I let myself be rude to him... My oniichan said that they were really worried about me. Drinking when having a bad mood is not good. He told me I should be careful and stuff. He's such a caring oniichan. Haha.. Oniichan's brother in Japanese by the way. He's like my gan kor kor. Except he is Japanese and really really really funny. Haha.... I always laugh till my cheeks hurt when I hang out with him.

Went to World History class again today. I absolutely hate that class. I tried to give that class another chance but... The teacher is tooooooo boring. He talks a lot. He is monotonous. He tells long meaningless stories that have nothing to do with class. It's not just me ok. I heard other people saying ''I was itching to get out of his class" and other stuff like that. He totally sucks. He sucks really bad haha.. I can't help it. He sucks really really bad compared to my Psychology teacher.

Gotta go to work today too.. I don't know how I feel about work now. The experience yesterday was really scary. It just.. I don't know. I wasn't really sad. I wasn't angry. Of course I wasn't happy. I think I was frightened. The way that black guy behaved. That face. That gigantic body. It was scary. It was really really scary. I guessed I was horrified or something haha...

But I'm going to do good today. I will

火曜日, 6月 28, 2005

It's just today. Tomorrow will be better.

Such a title equals a not so happy entry. I'm not happy at all so I'm sorry I can't write a happy entry.

It all started this morning my first day in World History. It sucks. What kind of teacher starts on the first day of class without a computer, without notes, without nothing!!! He just talked. And talked. And talked. It isn't really that bad. Actually, it wasn't bad at all till he started talking about people domesticating animals. "Domesticated the dog.. sometimes for eating... It's blah blah blah.. but some peopl actually eat dogs..." And the whole time, he was fucking looking at me. What the fuck. I HATE THIS FUCKING TEACHER. I DO NOT EAT DOGS. I have a pet dog. And I love her. I don't even eat frogs. Gosh.. Bloody fucker...

And then after that, I went back to my room. Then I went to the bookstore to buy my world history book. Great. I had to go to THAT cashier. That guy tried to pronounce my name and I said people call me Kristy here. And he said oh that's cute. And then he said you're pretty by the way. No. I don't need that. Great. I DO NOT need that. I don't want people to tell me that. I don't like it. Fuck it. Stupid.

I went out of the bookstore and it started raining. Great job Kristy. Just ignore the dark clouds and rumbling sky and leave your room without an umbrella. I had to walk in the rain. The rain was quite a heavy one. I did not like it at all. No I did not. I feel like a freak.

Dinner was great, except that I ate at 3:30. Kaz was there, which made me happy. For a while.

After dinner's work. Work seemed to go pretty well, until 7:00p.m. A guy called and ordered stuff. He's black. He talks black. I got everything he said. Except fried shrimp with fries. I didn't get fries. He came at 7 I think and I gave him his order. He walked out.. And came back. He said he needs the fries. It's not included in the price he paid so my boss asked him if he wanted them the kitchen will fix it up for him. He said no, shook his fucking head, and walked out again. Then, halfway out the door, he came back and said he wants his money back. Fuck it. My boss said we could fix up the fries for him but he said he doesn't want to wait. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Suddenly, that image from the lift when I was Primary 6 came back to me. It's scary. I don't like it. I feel like a freak. I feel really bad. I don't feel good at all.

Kaz came but it didn't make it a lot better. It's too late.

I need a drink. I'm going to get it right now.

月曜日, 6月 27, 2005


I went back to Mobile for the weekend and my computer had something missing so I couldn't use it at all. I worked hard man.. And ate Chinese buffet and Laksa and Nasi Lemak haha... Good food.

Thanks everyone for visiting! =D I get happy when I see little messages in my shoutbox. Hehe..

So... I'm supposed to have work today but my boss called last night to tell me she'll not be there so I have to skip today. Great day to skip man. All my friends are going out later with their English class. One of them invited me but.. I'm broke. Can't spend anymore so.. too bad. I really would like to go though.

I'm starting classes again tomorrow. Went to ratemyprofessors.com to check out how my teacher is going to be like and I'm not excited about going to his class. World History.. Yippee..

Man I'm bored. I would be working now if my boss was there..................... Instead of sitting here slacking in front of the computer... Hai... I borrowed a English Japanese translator from my friend but it's not an easy thing to use. I can't really read Japanese well yet. But I'm trying my best.

Can't wait to get my first paycheck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

金曜日, 6月 24, 2005

I'm happy!!!

Kaz talked to me quite a bit today!! And I AM HAPPY!! He's the nicest guy in the world and he's really funny too haha.. I just got my hair highlighted by my oniichan. It looks GREAT!! I'm proud to have my oniichan as my oniichan. Haha.. He knows how to cook real good Japanese food, plays soccer really well (he was MVP in his high school soccer team in Japan), and is a professional hair person. Haha.. And he's really nice to me too. He's happy to have me as his sister as well so yeah! We're both happy. He helped me a lot with Kaz too haha..

I'm going to drive home tomorrow. Well, uh.. today, technically, and my brother's driving not me haha.. :S

I'm beginning to like my job now by the way haha.. I still get frustrated sometimes but yeah I'm doing well. My boss thinks so anyways haha.. I'm getting fat too. I've been eating a lot. Today too. I just can't help myself. I eat when I see good food. Can't resist.

I can't wait to go back home tomorrow! Kiska must be really excited too. Can't wait to see my pretty little girl. I'm going to take a few pictures too. Lots of my friends haven seen the real me for a long time hahaa...

I can't sleep!!! Argh!!! Too excited and full....

木曜日, 6月 23, 2005

I feel stupid

I feel stupid, stupid, stupid. Why do I like Kaz? Why? I feel that liking him only makes me feel bad everyday. Why do I have to like him? I don't know. I was really happy when I talked to him yesterday. I'm always happy when I talk to him. But when I don't, I get moody. Like today. I asked him if he wanted to go to Walmart and he said yeah but in the end too many people are going so he couldn go. I feel like a freaking freak. baka.. And he didn't reply me when I apologised to him in msn. I feel like an idiot. Why? My oniichan said he was studying and doesn't reply when he studies. But. No way. He's just trying to comfort me. I hate Kaz. I hate him.

Anyways, I'm getting better at my job now. =D I hope boss will raise my salary soon. I'm glad I have a job. I'm glad I have a boss that talks to me a lot. But, whenever she stands like near me or next to me, I get all nervous and I would get something wrong haha.. A customer told me that I look like a cartoon character haha... It's funny. And I had a British customer Monday and he's so cute haha. Love the accent. Aw so cute! He called in to order and when he came he like took his stuff and began to walk off then he was like ''oh I do have to pay don't I'' haha... He made me blush! Haha..

My oniichan is going to help me highlight my hair tomorrow.. No I mean today since it's like 1:30 a.m. now.. Yeah I'm excited. I'm getting heavier man.. And I don't like it. I eat a lot now.. I have no idea why. And I've developed cravings for sweet stuff like every 5 mins. Gosh.. And I feel like eating sesame chicken everytime I work. I am going to eat that tomorrow cuz Kaz and the others are coming and I'm going to eat with them... I can't wait. I hope that Kaz will tell me what happened today.. Why didn't he reply me??? I don't even dare to talk to him right now. It's better now that I don't talk to him than I talk to him and he doesn't reply and I get all fucked up again. Know what I mean?

Haha.. haha.. stupid.. Hai. Haha.. Work tomorrow again.. I think I'm beginning to feel better when it comes to work. It's good. Yes. I will work hard to get better.

水曜日, 6月 22, 2005

Work again...

I managed to not have to go to work yesterday cuz my boss was sick. Man was I happy. But I've got to go to work again today...........................

I had a haircut yesterday. ^^ My Japanese friend cut my hair for free man... Haha.. And on Thursday, my oniichan is going to help me highlight it. We are going to Walmart today to get the colour. Can't wait!

I always become really happy after talking to Kaz haha.. Though our conversations are mostly short breezy ones, I still like them. A lot.

What else did I do? I think I didn't do much at all this week except hanging out with my friends.. talking... Such a lazy girl I am. But, yesterday, I walked all the way to the music building to play the piano. It was fun.. Not really cuz I have deproved a whole lot. Next time I go there, I'm going to bring my flute too. To give myself more disappointment. =D

15 mins before I go to eat. Man I'm hungry. I was going to wake up early to eat breakfast too but ahh.. I went back to sleep hehe. My entries are getting more boring every day.. Sorry..

月曜日, 6月 20, 2005

I slept late yesterday and woke up late today!! Why? Cuz I don't have to go to school!! =D Crazy... Worked at 5 today again.. I don't really like working there to say the truth. It's very much more difficult than being a normal waitress. I mean.. I get good food there but the boss is hinting me to eat before I go to work so.. Yeah.. She let me eat there today tho. And I couldn' finish it. One meal there is HUGE man.. Could feed me for the whole day. So, I'm freaking full right now. I went to the library with Kaz and Ippei again today. But we didn't do much. Kaz and I talked quite a bit... He talks more when he's drunk. That's why my good ani Tomo is going to help me! He takes care of me well. Yes.

Dang I feel like getting a drink. But it's a weekday so.. I control myself. I have a feeling that Kaz doesn't like me. I don't know why. I have no idea why but I have this feeling that he doesn't like me.

I spent this afternoon following Sho around cuz I have nothing else to do. He's a nice guy. And fun and funny. I like hanging out with him.

I have worked for 7 hours in Panda... So I have earned... $36.75. Wow.. Working IS difficult! It was stressful man. Some customers are like... I want this but don't want that one in it and please add those in there. What the heck sia.. So fat le.. Anything can do la... Then my boss is like standing there waiting for me to get something wrong. If you stare at me like that, of cuz I'll get something wrong la!! I'm still doing really bad I think.. Boss said that I have improved quite a bit. But I still feel.. I don't know. I guess I gotta try to boost my confidence. Some customers just give you the "fuck you" face. I smile at every customer who comes in the restaurant but some of them are just.. Bad. And today, come guy came in, bought something and I told him it would be 10 mins. He said ok and said he would go out for a walk. He came back later when it was so busy and just took one of the stuff on the desk. I thought someone told him it was his so I just nodded and continued with the other customers. Turned out that it wasn't his. Everyone was like freaking out. Except me. What the heck do they expect.. I mean... He's already gone. Freak out for what? So I just looked guilty until he came back to get his real meal. Why can't some people just wait. Haha.. I'm blaming stuff on everyone except me. This $36.75 is quite a tough one.

I am so bored right now.. I've tried really hard to learn Japanese but it's not easy at all. I've tried really hard to familiarize myself with the Panda menu but it's not easy for me. I have poor memory. And I'm bad at looking for things. What am I good at? Sitting down and staring into space and listen to people talk. I like to listen. Listen to what people are talking about. And then laugh at them being stupid cuz they are talking about what they are talking about. :S

Argh.. Of the so many blogs I've been to, the entries are often miserable and angry. Is life really really that bad? Why are so many people angry and alone?

日曜日, 6月 19, 2005

Nothing to do on Sunday morning

Yes. So I went to my brother's apartment to wash my clothes. :S Anyways, I went swimming yesterday and it was fun. After that I stayed in my room till we went out to eat dinner. It's not bad.. Then, we went to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Not bad...

I went to Tomo's friend's house to drink after that haha.. My alcohol tolerance is getting better! I'm happy. And Kaz talked to me a lot!! I was really really happy. We stayed at Tomo's friend's house till like 3a.m. Haha.. Tomo told me he could tell that I like Kaz :O

Today's Father's Day. I called my dad and talked to Kiska again. I miss her soooo much. Can't wait to see her again next week! So.. I have a whole week of nothing to do. No psychology class equals practically nothing to do really. But I'm happy. I get to sleep really really really late now haha.. I borrowed Kaz's cds this morning. I dont like rap, I dont love hip-hop but I love his cds! Haha... I'm just kidding. I dont really like them but I still like them. I like him a lot.

I'm supposed to go to work today but Juliana called to tell me boss is changing it to tomorrow so.. yeah... I dont really like working but it's worth it.

I don't even know what I want to do later.. Maybe just lay around.. Maybe go to someone's room hoping to see Kaz in there... Yeah.. yeah....

Oh ya.. I just changed the music. This is a small part of a song I like. This song Sakura, is sung by... ya I should say it's my favourite Japanese band. They have another song that I like better but I cant find a long one online so.. yeah... enjoy it please

金曜日, 6月 17, 2005

I like today

Today is a day of good news. Only 1 bad news. Quite a bad one but I'm glad of the good news.

I was doing the lecture quiz today in Psychology and the professor suddenly called out 2 names and said to see him after class. Naturally, one of the names is mine or I wouldn't even bother to talk about Psyc. I was like.. What.. Did I do..... I had no choice so I went to see him after my quiz. The other guy finished his quiz so he was talking to the professor by the time I finished. I kinda heard part of their conversation. Got a "C''... Have to finish taking quiz 2 or 6.. Blah blah and I was like.. Great... I studied till my temples burst and now I have to get bad news too. Contrary to my thoughts, I got great news!! My professor told me that I have taken too many quizzes HAHA!! He told me that I only had to take 12 quizzes and I had taken like 13 so haha... And he counted my scores for me and I GOT AN "A"!!!! I'm really really really really relieved. I didn't study yesterday cuz I was too tired and I thought about the last 2 quizzes and stuff but now I don't have to worry about it anymore!! No more!! YES!! I'm really glad.

And I went to my academic advisor to drop History in the Fall today. And she helped me a lot. I asked her about studying abroad and stuff. I think it's going to be great. I'm happy.

Oh yeah.. My first day of work yesterday. It was tough. It was really stressful for me cuz I was really really scared when the boss was standing next to me. I like completely blanked out haha... But she's nice.. Kinda rough when things get busy but she took care of me. I ate dinner there and it was GREAT! I liked it very much. Boss told me that I would have to work till at least next summer so I guess I just got the job! I'll work hard. Yes. I can't wait to get my pay! I'm going to get an mp3 player. And all the things that I want to get. Haha.. And I'm going to save most of it to maybe help pay for my future study abroad programs. Don't want to put too much pressure on my parents.

I told the girl who likes the guy I like that I like him yesterday. I was really really afraid that it might ruin our friendship so I took like 15 mins before I told her everything. I told her "I like him but I decided to try to not like him anymore after you told me you like him." Haha.. Then she was like ''No!!! You shouldn't give up on him!!!" And I was like :O. She told me she likes it now that they are friends. Nothing more. But I feel really bad. I don't know. All I know is that I like him a lot. And she is a great friend. She is a really really nice girl. If I were her I would hate me.

The only bad news today is that he is sick. We were supposed to go d today at someone's house but... I don't know.. I dont even know what to do. Visit him? I don't know his room number and I can't find his friends!!!! I hope that he'll feel better.

But today's a good day. Tomorrow's Saturday. I don't have to go to class anymore next week. It's great! I'll use next week to work hard on my Japanese.

木曜日, 6月 16, 2005

Today is the day

In less than 4 hours, I will be trying out for my job at Panda. I'm really excited and nervous at the same time. All my friends told me "you can do it!!" Haha...

Usually, when I go to the library with the 2 guys, we sit in tables like cubicles so we don't see each other. Even then, I would sit farthest away from Kaz. But yesterday, we went into a room called "group study room". So yup. I got a 12/15 today. It's bad. I hope they dont go to that room again today. Anyways, last night, after much persuasion from Angela, haha.. I chatted with him in msn. It was terrible man.. Hai... The more I look at him, the more I talk to him, the more I like him. What do I do?

I came back from school at about 12:30 and saw the girl who likes him eating with him and another guy. She's my friend but somehow just a hint of jealousy came onto me and to prevent them from noticing it, I went back to my room. But he's so.. hai... I don't know.. He promised me that he'll come to panda later, which cheered me up a bit. I think he likes her. I think he doesn't like me.

Dang... I gotta start memorizing this menu now.. There are like a hundred or 2 dishes man...

水曜日, 6月 15, 2005

Giving myself time to think

When people tell me about someone breaking up with someone else, or this girl likes this boy but he likes another girl or something like that, I always say "they'll get over it".

Having such a similar thing happen to myself now, of course I tell myself and other people that "I'll get over it". Haha.. And as always, it is easier said than done. Everytime I see him online, I click on his name opening his window. I never say anything to him. I met him this morning and he talked to me. I was the happiest girl alive. I pretended like I didn't see him while I was talking to another guy but in actuality I was really really hoping that he was looking at me. I love looking at him as he studies. That's why I always sit furthest away from him in the library. I gotta study man haha.. He smokes. I hate being around with smokers but suddenly it didn't seem to matter at all.

That girl I was talking about yesterday finally added me in msn haha... Her com has problems. I was going to tell her about him but it came out: "Hey... I bought a can of insect repellent today and you can use it tomorrow!" Hmm...

Well.. It isn't as bad as it sounds. Cuz I'll get over it. ^^

Anyways, I think I've gotten a job now. Well not really yet but I'm trying out tomorrow and DAMN I'm excited. Just 1 week and I'll finally be able to get an mp3 player! Gosh... I'm like the slowest person alive. But I'm happy. My FIRST job. I'm going to work hard.

I watched 'Napoleon Dynamite' the day before haha... I don't know why so many people like it cuz I think it's... uh... so so... Haha.. Your mom goes to college. I like that hah... That's practically all that I like about it.

I'm going to the library later again to study and I will still be sitting far away from him. Yes. I've got to get an "A". Really really need to. Can't let my parents down again... But it's not fair. All the extra credit thingies in my Psychology class are for 19 and above. I've only managed to get 1.5 credit. YES! Stupid.. It's not fair sia.. It's like.. Biased against younger students..

火曜日, 6月 14, 2005

Ah.. Problems...

So.. I deleted one of my entries cuz I don't feel safe about it ^^. I've had much fun here. Yes I did. As always, there are boy problems.

The girls I met here are nice and fun. I like them very much. And that "I am going to have a Japanese boyfriend when I get to college!" thingy, I've finally settled down about which guy is the one I like. Haha... They are all very, very nice to me. But yes, I have finally found one guy that I really like. Great! I mean, after 2 years of being single, I MAY finally get a guy to love and to love me. Of course, I don't know if he would like me too. Fortunately and unfortunately for me, I do not need to find that out anymore.

I went to a soccer game today with the guys and one of my Japanese female friends. We talked a lot then and she admitted to me that she likes one of the guys there. And it was just great. She told me first. I am not going to be a bitch and continue to like that guy now that I know a friend of mine likes him. I don't do that to my friends. I just don't like it. So, I'm kinda sad. I don't dare to tell her that I like him too. I just told her that he's cool. He really is. That is one of the reasons why I like him. He's really good at soccer too.. And he's cute. I can go on about him forever but I'm not going to cuz I have to forget about him now when I am still able to. I'll just be... his friend.

Anyways, I've been doing great. I've improved on my lecture quizzes in Psychology and am trying really hard to do well in the reading ones. I really really want to get an 'A'. I've grown closer to my Japanese friends and I like them very, very much. They are really really helpful and nice and whenever I want something, I could just ask. I'm really happy here. My friends sent me all the Japanese music I want and hung out with me a lot and stuff.. Yeah.. This is very much better than high school. At least I don't have to go thru a Bible class everyday. And I've trained myself to be a pretty hardworking girl right now. I go to the library to study Monday to Thursday with that guy I like and another guy who is really really nice and patient. I don't study on weekends. At least not in the summer.

Time has been pasing really quickly though.. In less than 2 months, I'll be moving out of this dorm and in less than 6 months, my Japanese friends would be going back to Japan. Wow.. And in less than 4 years, I would be out on my own with a job. And in less than 4 years, I would be able to buy alcohol on my own.. Lol...

土曜日, 6月 11, 2005

I MISS YOU KISKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just 'talked' to Kiska on the phone.. And dang... I miss her so much I cried. At first, she was really afraid of the telephone but slowly when she heard my voice, she calmed down and listened!!! And then she even licked the phone when I said 'good girl'... Ahhh... I MISS KISKA......................... :') I LOVE YOU!!

First weekend here alone..

This is my first weekend here without my any of my family members. My mom dad and little bro are in Mobile, and my elder bro went to Atlanta. He asked me if I wanted to go but I didn't really feel like it so I stayed.

It's really fun. In the morning, I was going to dye my hair on my own. But when I told Sho, he asked if I could do it in his room cuz he was studying and it would be boring. So, I said ok and went to his room. He ended up helping me dye my hair haha... He's really good at it too.. I love the results. Then, he treated me some of the Japanese food his mom sent him... He's so nice..

After, I accompanied Toshi to eat lunch. We went to eat good ice-cream. Ice-cream that you can't find in Singapore. Really really good ice-cream haha... Then, I went to Seiji's room cuz everyone's there playing games haha.. It's fun. And then now, I've just return from dinner with a bunch of guys. I was going to go with the girls but one of the guys asked me if I wanted to go with them so hey.. First come first serve. The guys are really really nice and funny haha...
Then Seiji paid for my dinner. Gosh.. I should've stood in front of him.. I feel kinda embarrassed..

So far... I've been hanging out a lot with the guys... There are only 7 girls by the way. But, I'm kinda afraid that they might talk about me behind my back.

Hai... I'm... feeling funny... I duno... Am I happy? I guess so... But... I duno......

金曜日, 6月 10, 2005


FINALLY... A few days that I don't have to torture myself studying Psyc...

That day about Sho, he got back later at night and knocked at my door haha.. He was in school in the computer lab or something. He said he waited for my call but didn't know that there's no reception there... Lol.. I was actually getting worried since he didn't call or anything till like 11... But I had a great time after that.. 2 continuous days of people's birthdays..

I love hanging out with these Japanese people.. They are really nice and fun and stuff. On people's birthdays, they would wait till midnight and then go to their room and stuff.. It's really, really cute. Really, really cute. And for that 2 days, I was in Sho's room till 2:30am.. Haha.. Shhhh..... But I'm not a slut la.. Haha... I was in there trying to help him install msn at first. Then I realised that he has lots of viruses and spyware in his computer haha... It was really tiring.. Dang I'm hungry.. I'll update on the others when I'm free..

火曜日, 6月 07, 2005

Another day..

Oh my gosh.. Ippei just came to my room haha.. scared the hell out of me. My room messy sia haha... I talked till 1:30a.m. again yesterday haha.. This time with Sho and Ippei. Then, I had to wake at 6:30a.m. to prepare to go to that orientation thingy haha.. ねむい! Haha..

I had my tuberculosis test today haha.. いたいい!! I'm gettin good at typing in Jap cuz of the chats I had with Ippei hehe.. He helped me a whole lot. I'm going to the library later with him and Kaz again hehe.. But this time I don't have to wake early anymore. YES!!

I'm kinda disappointed with Sho today. I didn't see him at all! I said I'll help him with the msn stuff and then after that we'll watch Japanese anime together. He said ok then I told him I'll call him before I go to his room. His cellphone was off today. I slid a piece of paper under his door saying I could'n reach him and asked him to call me back when he's free.. Guess he isn't... I'm glad I didn't waste my time waiting. I went to the music building to play the piano.. Gosh. It felt so good.. I've not play for like years man... Felt like that day I swam for the first time after 2 years....


月曜日, 6月 06, 2005

Monday Tuesday Happy Day..

Ahhh... I've just finish dinner at the cafeteria. It's weird cuz this is the first time I've seen this cafeteria so full! Camp War Eagle's here and I saw a guy from my hugh school that I didn't really like. Ee.... I think he is disgusting. Why do I have to see him... Sway...

I attended Camp War Eagle's hmm.. kinda like lecture today. It's long and boring. I was going to say stupid but it wasn't really stupid at all. It gave us all the information we need, well, at least I needed some of them. I went to the medical clinic after that and guess what?!? I have to have the tuberculosis test again!!!! Tomorrow!!!! I'm scared.

I realised that Ippei's name is not spelled e Pei. Haha.. I ate dinner with him today. Well uh.. I added him in msn yesterday and we talked till 1:30a.m. Haha.... He's so funny. And he's really sweet too. I asked him yesterday if I could borrow some of his cds and he burned one for me. Hehe... So nice.. And the cd and its cover is pink!! So cute!! So cute!!!! Haha.. I talked to Sho today haha.. He's really nice too. I saw him when I was about to leave for school today and he was drenched cuz it was raining outside. He was like embarrassed. Haa.. So cute! And today Seiji drove me to school. He's really sweet too haha.. I was leaving when it started to rain so I turned back to get back to my room for an umbrella. I met him at the door as he was going to get his umbrella too. He told me he'll drive me to school and I was like.. no you don't have to haha.. I went back to my room to get my umbrella and I didn't see him at the elevator so I thought he left but he was waiting outside. All these Jap guys are so nice... I remembered to say domo arigato.. Hehe... I kinda envy all the girls in Japan. I mean.. All of them are so nice!

Anyways, I'm going to the library later with Ippei and his friend. This laptop in my room is very distracting and the radio too haha.. My hands just want to reach out and turn it on. Haha.. Ahh.. tsukareta...

土曜日, 6月 04, 2005


For rich people, this is like.. uh.. so? But to me, I'm ecstatic!! It's not just a laptop. It's MY laptop! Watashi no laptop!! Duno what laptop is in Jap.. hehe.. MINE! Hehe..

Time passes really fast when you're in college. Well, at least it seems to be to me. I've spent 2 weeks here! Wow.. I'm still alive and well too. My Jap friends told me that my Jap's improving! Hee.. I'm glad. I'm learning to write Japanese too. It's difficult but.. I have the time.

I feel kinda guilty today. I asked my friends to call me when they are going to lunch but when they called, my parents and little bro are already here so I couldn go with them.. :( And, my mom's sick now. She has a headache and she vomitted just now. :'( I hope she feels better tomorrow.

Psychology class has been really hard on me. I studied for like hours but NEVER got a perfect score. No matter how hard I study, I would get at least one question wrong. It's so frustrating. Guess college work is like that. It's kinda disappointing for me.. I'm angry.

I went swimming with a bunch of my friends yesterday too. It was FUN but I had to pay $2 cuz I don't have my university card yet. The pool is cool. It's big but half of it is closed. :S

I don't really know if I'm happy here. I mean, I am happy but sometimes I still feel that something's missing. Like, when I was in Singapore, I was happy everyday. Guess ignorance really is bliss. And also, I've been single for about 2 years now. I still don't know why I broke up wih Lloyd. Haha.. But I don't really care about that now. It's kinda lonely not having a guy to uh.. like and receive that ''like'' back. I told myself that I would work hard and not get attached till I get to college. And then I told myself I'm going to have a Jap guy. Haha.. So.. Here I am now. Living here in the dorm. Nice Jap guys talk to me everyday. And uh.. hm.. One of them live right opposite my dorm. And.. So... What do I do?

Lol.. It's stupid. Even if I get attached, they're returning to Japan in a few months so.. it's stupid. I don't even know if I want to get attached. What if it affects my studies? I'm a nerd now. Grades are most important. I don't know. It's stupid. I don't know..... It's kinda frustrating being human. WAIT!!! OH YA!! I can go play some games to take my mind off things! Haha! Why did it take so long for me to think of that?!?! Aiya!!! :D